After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

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After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer) Empty After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

Post by ahmadmob Tue May 21, 2024 1:18 am

Hello, I just upgraded to Win 11 and playing any HDR video results in a black screen with only audio playing, this happens 30-50% of the time. Control E restarts the video and it works ~50% of the time. Also resizing from full screen to windowed (for example with F11 or alt + enter) results in a black screen after a few tries. The problem doesn't happen if I enable HDR in windows beforehand (resizing the video from full screen to windowed still triggers the issue even when the HDR video is paused). Unchecking "Use for resizing" in MPC Video Renderer options fixes the issue but the full screen to windowed transition issue still exists while the video is playing (when it's paused the issue doesn't occur when "Use for resizing" option is disabled).

The only issue I had when I was on Windows 10 was the same black screen when resizing an HDR video multiple times while it's playing and I was able to live with that, but with Windows 11 the black screen occasionally happens upon opening the file and when the HDR is passed through the display automatically.
All SDR videos play fine without any issues even when resizing.

I have Windows 11 23H2
Mega codec pack 17.7.0 (also tried on the latest 18.3.0, same issue)
RTX 3090 with the latest drivers (same issue with a few months old drivers e.g. 546.65)

I have seen the topic which is kinda a similar problem to this but I tried everything there to no avail.
I am almost sure this is a problem and a bug with the nvidia drivers, I just hope there's a good workaround for it without having to disable the "Use for resizing" option because enabling HDR beforehand doesn't trigger the black screen issue so maybe a delay before opening the video after the HDR passthrough happens could fix it in a future update?

BTW is there any downside to disable "Use for resizing"? I couldn't find any degradation in quality and couldn't notice anything different TBH. I don't use RTX HDR.

Thanks in advance Smile


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After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer) Empty Re: After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

Post by Admin Tue May 21, 2024 2:19 am

Turning on HDR mode can cause a short black screen as the display switches mode. If switching takes very long, or in case of black video issues, it is a driver problem. Try driver 537.58.

If you disable "Use for resizing" then it does not use GPU driver scaling, but the own scaling shaders of the video renderer are used instead. No real downside, apart from maybe a tiny bit higher GPU usage, but totally insignificant on a powerful 3090. For best quality, select bottom choice in the dropdowns.


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After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer) Empty Re: After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

Post by ahmadmob Tue May 21, 2024 10:20 am

Ya I know about the short black screen when the display switches to HDR which is normal. But it's the black screen until I restart the video a few times and this only happens on Windows 11 (I hate this OS so much but I installed it mainly for the auto HDR in SDR games which admittedly works really good).

It's not a biggie and for now when "Use for resizing" is unchecked the problem doesn't happen. You're right, no difference I could see for GPU usage in taskmanager when it's checked or unchecked.

As for the older driver, even if 537.58 fixes it I am not willing to use this old driver because many new games ask for the latest driver, but I can test for you if you want.



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After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer) Empty Re: After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

Post by Admin Tue May 21, 2024 1:09 pm

It seems to be a common NVIDIA problem. So lets hope they can fix it in a future driver update.

Good to know to using shader resizing is more reliable in this situation.


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After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer) Empty Re: After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

Post by ahmadmob Tue May 21, 2024 6:03 pm

Ya let's hope so. I swear NVIDIA drivers lately are getting worse with every few updates and when they try to fix something they break 10 others. This all started with the 3000 series 3 years ago.


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After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer) Empty Re: After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

Post by ahmadmob Fri May 24, 2024 1:39 am

For future reference, I think it's worth mentioning that I get this error in Event Viewer every time when this black screen happens when I open an HDR video, I was on Event Viewer for something else and noticed that a few days ago I was getting this error: (before I disabled "Use for resizing", issue is now kinda fixed for me anyway with this option unchecked)
The description for Event ID 0 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event:

Error occurred on GPUID: a00

The message resource is present but the message was not found in the message table
Source in the Event Viewer is "nvlddmkm" which is the NVIDIA driver.
As a test I enabled again "Use for resizing" option and reproduced the issue, the exact same error popped up again in event viewer.


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After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer) Empty Re: After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

Post by Admin Fri May 24, 2024 3:49 pm

That means a driver crash/timeout.

Disabling hardware accelerated GPU scheduling might help if that is currently enabled.

Any overclocks or undervolts on your GPU?


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After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer) Empty Re: After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

Post by ahmadmob Sat May 25, 2024 12:16 am

Nope everything is stock on my GPU and even on my CPU, no overclocks/undervolting or anything. I was able to reproduce the exact same issue on another PC at my workplace with a 3060 on Win 11, that same PC was fine on Win 10.

Was experimenting with hardware accelerated GPU scheduling being disabled, the issue is still happening but I feel like it's less frequent (like 20% of the times instead of 40-50%), but it still happens.

As for the link you provided, I never had and don't have any issues while playing games or even when the PC is idle, nor in YT or watching any movies, so his problem is most likely related to something else such as a faulty GPU, bad driver/OS or simply because of his OC. For me it's just this issue that started immediately with HDR videos when I upgraded to Win 11.


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After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer) Empty Re: After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

Post by Admin Sat May 25, 2024 1:02 am

Maybe try the older 537 driver on the work PC assuming you don't use that for gaming.

There is new 555 driver branch as well now. But so far lots of issues reported on nvidia forum, so better to wait for more stable version.


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After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer) Empty Re: After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

Post by ahmadmob Sat May 25, 2024 2:18 am

Ya I don't use the work PC for gaming, will try tomorrow 537 on it and report back. I usually wait before installing a new driver unless a new game demands it. Cheers.


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After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer) Empty Re: After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

Post by ahmadmob Sat May 25, 2024 10:14 am

Just tested on 537.58 on work PC with a 3060 on Win 11 and the same issue happens. I 100% remember that this never happened on Win 10 on this very same PC.
Here's a video of the issue (using 537.58 driver):

Interesting enough, when this issue happens on this work PC I get the same event viewer error I mentioned earlier + sometimes I also get the popular error source "Display": Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered.
The "Display" error in event viewer gets logged 3-5 seconds after the "nvlddmkm" error I mentioned earlier in the topic.

Edit: just tested on 555.85, same issue.
In any case, "Use for resizing" being disabled fixes the issue for now and I can live with that until NVIDIA fixes their drivers someday (highly unlikely).


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After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer) Empty Re: After upgrading to Windows 11, playing any HDR video sometimes results in a black screen (Using MPC Video Renderer)

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