Newbo Want to Learn and understand.

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Newbo Want to Learn and understand. Empty Newbo Want to Learn and understand.

Post by beterhans Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:21 am

I've been using these codec pack for years.
Media player classic + codecs + filters + spliters.
and K-Lite codec pack is one of them.

But the whole system was so complicated, I can't figure out by myself.
Yesterday. I tried rip a bluray disc, and play under k lite system. I want to passthrough the Dolby HD Audio to my AV receiver. there are options in ffdshow audio settings I clicked but failed. audio got stucked
then I googled, some one said use the cccp pack. and yes cccp pack can do passthrough with the same setting which I've did in K Lite. but cccp failed to play the m2ts video in DXVA mode. (K lite can play in DXVA mode)

I want to learn something about
the framework.. how to config spliters what does those internal external filter does. how to choice the right way to pass AV data to right codec.

So Is THERE any article describe these things for a newbo to understand? I can't find one.

Thank you


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Join date : 2012-03-22

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Newbo Want to Learn and understand. Empty Re: Newbo Want to Learn and understand.

Post by Admin Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:33 pm

1) Enable the relevant format(s) on the Output page in ffdshow audio decoder settings
2) Go to Windows Control Panel -> Sounds, go to the Properties of your sound device that is used for connection to your receiver. Make sure the settings on the "Supported Formats"tab are correct.
3) In the same control panel, set the Speaker device to Stereo.
4) Disabling the "Connect as PCM first" option in ffdshow can sometimes help.


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