Modify the Video Crop tool to display a frame at the start of a selection, rather than the beginning of the file.

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Modify the Video Crop tool to display a frame at the start of a selection, rather than the beginning of the file.  Empty Modify the Video Crop tool to display a frame at the start of a selection, rather than the beginning of the file.

Post by MNR__ Mon Nov 11, 2024 7:32 pm

Files that contain multiple files of different aspect ratios will have the aspect ratio of the largest file.  This yields borders on the parts of the combined file that are from smaller aspect ratio files. Currently when using the crop tool, the preview frame displays the first frame of the file.  If would be an improvement if the crop tool would display the first frame at the start of a selected area. This would support a one-pass-process to extract individual sections of the combined file back to individual files.  With the current crop tool, the only way to accurately ensure the borders are correct, unless you are extracting the first section, is to select a section, save it, reload the section, crop it and save it again. Followed by deleting the extracted source file with unwanted borders.



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Join date : 2020-08-30

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Modify the Video Crop tool to display a frame at the start of a selection, rather than the beginning of the file.  Empty Re: Modify the Video Crop tool to display a frame at the start of a selection, rather than the beginning of the file.

Post by Admin Mon Nov 11, 2024 7:37 pm

I think you are on the wrong forum. I have no idea what you are talking about, so the answer is NO, that is not supported.


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Join date : 2011-06-17

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