[feature request] Would it be possible to consider officially integrating .swf support in K-Lite?

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[feature request] Would it be possible to consider officially integrating .swf support in K-Lite? Empty [feature request] Would it be possible to consider officially integrating .swf support in K-Lite?

Post by EmberEdison Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:32 pm

Dear admin,

I would like to suggest adding the cleanflash or ruffle as a "plugin" to the K-Lite codec pack for MPC-HC.

There are still a lot of people who need to run .swf , but aren't sure how to configure it properly.

Including ruffle+MPC-HC or cleanflash+MPC-HC in K-Lite to easily keep it up to date would solve this problem once and for all.


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[feature request] Would it be possible to consider officially integrating .swf support in K-Lite? Empty Re: [feature request] Would it be possible to consider officially integrating .swf support in K-Lite?

Post by Admin Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:39 pm

I have no interest in Flash at all.


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Join date : 2011-06-17


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