Feature Request for MPC-HC Player: "Go to next video in folder and stop"

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Feature Request for MPC-HC Player: "Go to next video in folder and stop" Empty Feature Request for MPC-HC Player: "Go to next video in folder and stop"

Post by videodrone Mon Jul 15, 2024 6:52 am

For long time a devoted K-Lite Codecpack user here. One thing I've always been missing from MPC-HC options in playback section "After Playback" menu is "Go to next video in folder and stop", while there has traditionally been just "Play next video in folder" where the playback goes on for as long as the user stops it or the playback runs out of files in the folder. The go to next video and stop would be handy when you don't intend to binge all the content in that folder at once, but the next time you start watching the next video starts playing to go on from where you were left previously. And why not the option could also apply to playlists, not just folders.

TL;DR "After Playback" menu needs an option "Go to next video in folder and stop", could also apply to playlists, not just folders.

Greetings and thanks for great codec packs!

EDIT: Wording and added the playlist notion.


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Join date : 2024-07-15

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Feature Request for MPC-HC Player: "Go to next video in folder and stop" Empty Re: Feature Request for MPC-HC Player: "Go to next video in folder and stop"

Post by Admin Mon Jul 15, 2024 5:23 pm

Such option will not be added.

You can press PageDown button to play next file in folder whenever you want.


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Join date : 2011-06-17


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