HELP - Information Displayed over video, disabling OSD does nothing.

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HELP - Information Displayed over video, disabling OSD does nothing. Empty HELP - Information Displayed over video, disabling OSD does nothing.

Post by funran Mon May 06, 2024 4:28 am

Hellp, Using the newest version of MPC, Windows 11, for some reason a whole list of useless information is being displayed over my videos. FrameCnt: Shutter Speed, Long/Lattitude information. I've tried to disable the on screen display option but it's already off. Enabling it displays a different kinds of information overlayed. When I open this in VLC or another program, the overlay is not there, but in some cases it is super tiny, smaller than subtitles in the bottom center (VLC). I thought maybe my drone that recorded the video in question was adding this information and maybe I clicked a setting to have it saved over the video, but opening it in VLC it's basically not there. I've gone through the settings and I do not see anything else that works.

Picture of what is going on here. -


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HELP - Information Displayed over video, disabling OSD does nothing. Empty Re: HELP - Information Displayed over video, disabling OSD does nothing.

Post by Admin Mon May 06, 2024 1:13 pm

That looks like metadata from the file. It seems to be rendered as subtitle, so check subtitle menu.

I can't give any further help with MPC-BE. I only use MPC-HC.


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