Feature Request: Resume Playback from Last Watched Time

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 Feature Request: Resume Playback from Last Watched Time Empty Feature Request: Resume Playback from Last Watched Time

Post by Qaiser Mon Apr 22, 2024 1:48 pm

Hi there,

I'd like to propose a new feature for Media Player Classic that would significantly improve user experience: the ability to remember the playback position specifically when closing the player window.

Currently, closing the player resets playback to the beginning, requiring users to manually find their spot. This can be frustrating, especially for long videos.
Currently, when I close the player while a video is playing and then reopen it later, the video restarts from the beginning. However, I often find myself needing to jump to a specific portion of a video, especially with longer videos or when revisiting content. This can be time-consuming and inconvenient.

Therefore, I kindly request the implementation of a feature that allows users to resume playback from the last watched time when reopening the player. This would greatly enhance usability and save users time by eliminating the need to manually navigate to the desired portion of the video every time the player is closed and reopened.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2024-04-22

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 Feature Request: Resume Playback from Last Watched Time Empty Re: Feature Request: Resume Playback from Last Watched Time

Post by Admin Mon Apr 22, 2024 3:50 pm

It already has that option. It is even enabled by default in the codec pack.

Do NOT press STOP before closing, as that will reset the position.


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Join date : 2011-06-17


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