MPC doesn't render the correct position of subtitles

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MPC doesn't render the correct position of subtitles Empty MPC doesn't render the correct position of subtitles

Post by PassingStrike Sun Mar 24, 2024 11:33 pm

It looks like if a .vtt file has parameters like position:% MPC just ignores them, as the subtitles is in place and if there are more at the same time but in different position they appear above the first, making a column that sometimes can take the whole screen. I know thanks to VLC that the .vtt is correct (at least in the position aspect) as it displays them in their correct position. But as MPC is the only player that renders that "actual syllable being spoken" effect and the colors, I prefer to know if I can fix this problem in MPC.

Is there any setting that I can change so MPC renders the actual position of the subtitles?


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Join date : 2022-12-20

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MPC doesn't render the correct position of subtitles Empty Re: MPC doesn't render the correct position of subtitles

Post by Admin Mon Mar 25, 2024 9:59 am

It only has partial support fro WebVTT. Several tags are stripped and ignored.

There is nothing you can do yourself to fix it.

You can create new issue here:
You must attach the .vtt file.


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MPC doesn't render the correct position of subtitles Empty Re: MPC doesn't render the correct position of subtitles

Post by PassingStrike Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:55 pm

Admin wrote:It only has partial support fro WebVTT. Several tags are stripped and ignored.

There is nothing you can do yourself to fix it.

You can create new issue here:
You must attach the .vtt file.

Well, it looks like people already pointed out some problems with WebVTT, and the owner of the repository (which I didn't know is also a developer of ffmpeg) already looks fed up with full support for WebVTT and already said that he is not interested in implementing a full support for WebVTT...

I suppose that's it.


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Join date : 2022-12-20

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