Video files encoded with LBYR - can't play

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Video files encoded with LBYR - can't play Empty Video files encoded with LBYR - can't play

Post by elmofritz Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:21 am


Hoping someone can help me with some wizardry. I have these video files from a long time ago that were recorded using a Creative Webcam (like about the year 2000).
What I have been able to determine from the files is that the 4CC code is LBYR and this associated with
I have tried a few different ways of obtaining this file, including extracting it from installers that I can find on the internet. Not much luck here. But even then I have no idea how to install the decoder and point a video player to use it when opening the files.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can either play the files without the specific decoder OR how to find and use the encoder? Any help much appreciated.



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Join date : 2024-03-23

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Video files encoded with LBYR - can't play Empty Re: Video files encoded with LBYR - can't play

Post by Admin Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:09 am

It is simple to "install" such codec once you manage to obtain it.

Simply run this command from administrator command prompt:

And to uninstall/unregister:
regsvr32 /u

Given that this is an old codec, you need to use a 32-bit player. K-Lite installer allows you to install both 32-bit and 64-bit MPC-HC player.

I can't help you with finding the codec.


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