MPC-HC /audiorenderer option

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MPC-HC /audiorenderer option Empty MPC-HC /audiorenderer option

Post by Pagurida Sat Feb 24, 2024 5:26 pm

To open MPC-HC with one of the 8 audio outputs of my RME AIO PCIe sound card I use 8 different Windows shortcuts.
Each one calls the player with the specific number of an audio renderer, e.g. like this: MPC-HC64.EXE /audiorenderer 5.
I derive the number from the list of audio outputs in the MPC-HC options.

This procedure works perfectly until I install a driver update for the sound card.
Then the order of the 8 outputs is changed randomly, with the result that the numbers in the links address the wrong outputs.

My question therefore is whether it would be possible to call up the audio renderers by their names, which usually remain the same after an update.
This would avoid the trouble with that ever-changing numbering in Windows.


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Join date : 2020-03-05

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MPC-HC /audiorenderer option Empty Re: MPC-HC /audiorenderer option

Post by Admin Sat Feb 24, 2024 11:25 pm

It does a fresh enumeration of the available devices in Windows each time you open the settings. It only stores the name of the selected one.

I shall see if it can do a better sorting of the available devices.


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