MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro

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MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro Empty MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro

Post by noisywan Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:37 pm

Hi folks,
I have some MP4/AVC video files that are written with 3 different versions of LAVF.

Vegas Pro doesn't open files having versions starting with 58. The audio stream gets loaded but video stream is not.

The files with versions 57 can be opened without any problem.

Is there a way to make Vegas Pro open the LAVF versions starting with 58? (other than re-encoding all videos with an app that uses v57) Question


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MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro Empty Re: MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro

Post by Admin Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:42 pm

You will have to ask Vegas developers.


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MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro Empty SOLVED (in a way)

Post by timtak Sun Jun 02, 2024 4:13 am

I used Handrake with vanilla settings and could import the clip. I liked it better when I could just update my CCC codec pack and videos would import but perhaps this is a Vegas problem or there are just too many codecs out there.

I am not sure of the inners of the video but a Twitter mp4 video won't load into Vegas (12 which is old) even after updating K-Like codec pack, which I have recently swapped to, thank you, from Combined Community Codec Pack which I think is no longer being developed.

Other than installing a recent standard K-Lite codec pack, and contacting the Vegas developers, is there anything that I need to do to have Vegas use the new codecs?

This is the video which (beware) has a loud rap sound track.



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MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro Empty Re: MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro

Post by Admin Sun Jun 02, 2024 12:25 pm

Vegas 12 is no longer being developed as it is an ancient version. So contacting developers is pointless.

I can't help you either. Most video editors simply have a fixed set of formats that they support. For anything else you need to convert first.


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MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro Empty Re: MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro

Post by timtak Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:03 am

Thank you.

Sony allowed installation on as many computers as we liked (so long as it was only one user using the installations). I have Vegas on two laptops and three desktops. The current owners of Vegas only allow two computers so I would need to purchase three licences of the new version to achieve the same flexibility and I can see no advantage of the newer versions.

I will convert first.

Thank you for K-Lite



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MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro Empty Re: MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro

Post by Admin Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:14 am

There are several other good free/cheap editors available nowadays. Maybe one of those is a good alternative for you. For example DaVinci Resolve.


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MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro Empty Re: MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro

Post by timtak Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:47 am

Thank you very much! I was thinking of renewing Vegas but DaVinci Resolve seems to have greater functionality. Wow.


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MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro Empty Re: MP4 video file encoded with different LAVF library version can't be loaded into Vegas Pro

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