GPS overlays on .mov (quicktime) files and sharing options

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GPS overlays on .mov (quicktime) files and sharing options Empty GPS overlays on .mov (quicktime) files and sharing options

Post by Knientje Sun Oct 08, 2023 12:13 pm

I would like to see GPS-data in an overlay on *.mov- files, involving most of the info the GPS-device (Action/dashcam) delivers.


Max speed
Location (preferably in street, city and country names instead of gps coordinates)
Degree of climb/descend
Time (UTC/local)

I manage to extract GPS-info using exiftool, but am not able to convert it to a .gpx format to make it synchronize with the video on the timeline in my video editing software (Magix Video Deluxe Premium 2023), where I would like to have the gos data either as a .gpx or subtitle (*.srt) file

And a possibility to convert it to a file that already has already all the info in it, so this info will also be already visible when I import the file to my video editor.


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Join date : 2023-10-08

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GPS overlays on .mov (quicktime) files and sharing options Empty Re: GPS overlays on .mov (quicktime) files and sharing options

Post by Admin Sun Oct 08, 2023 1:57 pm

I can not help you with this.

You could write a python script to use the data and generate a srt subtitle.


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Join date : 2011-06-17

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