K-Lite Codec Pack works in administrator account, but not in limited account

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K-Lite Codec Pack works in administrator account, but not in limited account Empty K-Lite Codec Pack works in administrator account, but not in limited account

Post by cloudsandskye Mon Dec 26, 2011 4:03 am

I have Windows XP Professional SP3 and recently installed the Basic K-Lite Codec Pack Version 8.0.0 in the administrator account to view a mp4 file on Windows Media Player in the limited account. The file is not viewable in the limited account, producing an error message, but is viewable in the administrator account. I did apply the “reset to recommended settings” in the limited account from the K-Lite Codec Pack configuration folder, but that did not help. An image of the error message is attached. K-Lite Codec Pack works in administrator account, but not in limited account Error_12


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K-Lite Codec Pack works in administrator account, but not in limited account Empty Re: K-Lite Codec Pack works in administrator account, but not in limited account

Post by Admin Mon Dec 26, 2011 4:32 pm

Judging from the error message, WMP is unable to access the file. That means that is it likely that the access permissions for that file, or the folder it is located in, are set to the Administrators group only, or possibly even just a specific user account.

You should be able to solve it this way:
1) Log in as administrator
2) Open an Explorer window and go to Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> uncheck "Use simple file sharing". (this will enable the Securuty tab in the file/folder properties)
3) Right-click on the file, or better yet, the folder where you store all your video files.
4) In the right-click menu click on Properties
5) Go to the Security tab and click on Advanced.
6) Go to the Owner tab and change the owner to the Administrators group. Also enable the checkbox "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects". Press OK.
7) Back in the Security tab, select the Users group. Set Full Control to Allow. Press OK.
8) Done! Now permissions are set properly and normal users can access the files again.

A full tutorial can be found here if needed:


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K-Lite Codec Pack works in administrator account, but not in limited account Empty Re: K-Lite Codec Pack works in administrator account, but not in limited account

Post by cloudsandskye Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:14 am

Thank you for your response. The article you linked to at Microsoft mentioned that the procedure you described is not reversable. Also, it might create a security breach going from the limited account to the administrator account. So, for those reasons, I installed Media Player Classic Home Cinema as an alternative solution and was able to view the mp4 file.


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K-Lite Codec Pack works in administrator account, but not in limited account Empty Re: K-Lite Codec Pack works in administrator account, but not in limited account

Post by Admin Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:59 pm

It is not a security breach. All it does it allow normal users to access those files. Nothing more.


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K-Lite Codec Pack works in administrator account, but not in limited account Empty Re: K-Lite Codec Pack works in administrator account, but not in limited account

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