reporting bugs and making suggestions...

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reporting bugs and making suggestions... Empty reporting bugs and making suggestions...

Post by SzDaniel Sat May 13, 2023 4:51 pm


Media player classic HC is a wonderful player.
Thank you very much.

Btw, I am a computer programmer too (mostly Delphi/Pascal, some C...).
I have on Github a few utilities I created/improved over the years.

If I can help you guys somehow let me know...

I noticed just some small problems in mpcHC:

1. Fast seek (on keyframe) is still a little buggy (on both "nearest keyframe" or "latest keyframe"). It depends on the loaded video file.
It starts when I try to decrease the jump time from the default value.
At some point it seems the code fails/crashes because it starts using the default value instead of using the edited value.
For example if I decrease the medium jump distance from 5000 ms.

I have some experience in using large indexes and fast searching in them so, if you think I can help you please contact me.

2. Most of the modifications the user does on Pan & Scan should be remembered and loaded ONLY if the same video file is loaded again.
Some of them should be remembered only on video files resembling the original video file.

If you think are worth implementing but you can't find time, maybe I can help you..

3. The video file should be recognized (when loaded again) even if the folder is changed or even if the name of the file is changed.
I know it's not easy. I had faced the same problem in my video player.
How about reading bytes or chunks on large intervals (so it could read about 1% of the total video file size) and making a checksum? It's a lot faster than doing checksum for all bytes...


1. The default number of recent files should be increased from 20 to a few hundred (at least).
Or, better, the default number of recent files should be 20 but the default number of last opened video files (with pos and Pan & Scan saved and restored) should be added
to Advanced in Options as another parameter (and set to a few hundreds at least).
The first will be used for visual part (displaying video files names in interface), the second should be used for storing/loading/editing/saving/deleting video file settings.

2. Save as thumbnails: on settings window (to the right) should have another edit box in which you can set/get the time interval beetween shots.
Also a checkbox with "save as individual files" would be useful.


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reporting bugs and making suggestions... Empty Re: reporting bugs and making suggestions...

Post by Admin Sat May 13, 2023 10:32 pm

1. If key frames are too far apart, it will seek to a non-keyframe because otherwise it is too inaccurate.

2. It is not remembered currently.

3. This will never be implemented. It is a waste of my time. If you rename/move you should do it before starting playback.

1. You can change to 1000 in the advanced options. Default is 100.

2. Time interval is calculated automatically based on duration and number of rows/columns.


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reporting bugs and making suggestions... Empty Re: reporting bugs and making suggestions...

Post by SzDaniel Sun May 14, 2023 5:07 pm

1. Please give me a real example so I can understand why it's not possible or to surprise you with a solution.
A question: do you use binary search?
It can be used on both situations: keyframes or nonkeyframes.
2. I thought I saw zoom (maybe others too) being remembered on all other video loaded after the current video was loaded, but I must be mistaken, sorry.
3. I will do it then. I mean I will find a way to implement in Delphi then I will try to port it to C.
Some people use just thumbnails to identify movies - it's a lot faster when you have a lot of small movies/videos. And sometimes I have to change their names in group for storing purposes only.
But I lose their position and other...

!! How about identifing movies INTERNALLY in player by their thumbnails? They are extracted anyway so implementing
won't take much resources anyway.
You can add it as a secondary way (not used by default).

1. I know I can change it there.
But not all users know and use Advanced options.

Anyway I noticed the player remembers pos/PanScan only for the number of the last 20 (when it's set at 20).
It shouldn't be like that - the option for remembering pos/PanScan should use a different option/variable in Advanced options.
Some people use hundreds of small movies/videos instead just a few large ones.

2. I know it is.
But I was talking about setting the reverse: seting time and, for example, number of columns
and  getting number of rows. It's not impossible and not that hard to implement.
Why use that: sometimes you don't wanna miss an event in the movie that appears at known time intervals.


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reporting bugs and making suggestions... Empty Re: reporting bugs and making suggestions...

Post by Admin Mon May 15, 2023 1:39 pm

I suggest you go use another player.


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