Fast Foward And Rewind

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Fast Foward And Rewind Empty Fast Foward And Rewind

Post by brunoimagem Sat Mar 04, 2023 1:47 am

Goodnight. I would like to ask that Media Player Classic include fastforward and rewind functions – in the bottom buttons, in the right mouse button menu and when using the keyboard's directional arrows. That it's possible to choose how many seconds will be advanced or regressed in the settings. It's a pretty simple function that this wonderful player lacks. Thanks in advance! bounce


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Fast Foward And Rewind Empty Re: Fast Foward And Rewind

Post by Admin Sat Mar 04, 2023 1:14 pm

There will not be any changes to the buttons.

You can already use the arrow keys in various combinations. See:
Options > Player > Keys
Options > Tweaks > Jump distances

You can also use Ctrl + Mouse Scrollwheel.


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Fast Foward And Rewind Empty Re: Fast Foward And Rewind

Post by Deus Ex Cinema Sat Mar 18, 2023 12:25 pm

brunoimagem wrote:Goodnight. I would like to ask that Media Player Classic include fastforward and rewind functions
I would like to be able to use Forward Mouse Button / Backward Mouse Button for the same purpose [or any other buttons or keys for that matter]

So that I could stop using such workarounds like e.g. this AutoHotkey script:

#If WinActive("ahk_exe C:\Program Files (x86)\K-Lite Codec Pack\MPC-HC64\mpc-hc64.exe")

; In order to work correctly, this script requires an according configuration of shortcus in MPH HC

~XButton2::   ; Forward Mouse Button
    Send {Space Down}   ; This pauses the playback [alternatively >>MButton<< could be used]- which averts the unpleasing audio issue of truncated sound glitches
    Send {Ctrl Down}{Right Down}
    Sleep, 333
        while GetKeyState("XButton2")
        Send {Ctrl Down}{Right Down}
    Send {Ctrl Up}{Right Up}
    Send {Space}   ; This restores the playback
    Sleep, 111

~XButton1::   ; Browser Backward Mouse Button
    Send {Space Down}   ; This pauses the playback [alternatively >>MButton<< could be used]- which averts the unpleasing audio issue of truncated sound glitches
    Send {Ctrl Down}{Left Down}
    Sleep, 333
        while GetKeyState("XButton1")
        Send {Left Down}{Ctrl Down}   ; Originally there was no >>{Ctrl Down}<< here - while at the same time it was present in the forward version. Its lack was needed [?] when first >>Sleep<< was set to >>111<<
    Send {Ctrl up}{Left Up}
    Send {Space}   ; This restores the playback
    Sleep, 111

Last edited by Deus Ex Cinema on Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:40 pm; edited 2 times in total

Deus Ex Cinema

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Fast Foward And Rewind Empty Re: Fast Foward And Rewind

Post by Admin Sat Mar 18, 2023 2:26 pm

Options > Player > Keys

There is a column for mouse actions.


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Fast Foward And Rewind Empty Re: Fast Foward And Rewind

Post by Deus Ex Cinema Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:38 pm

But that AHK script is for a constant rewarding / forwarding i.e. with a pushed down button - and just merely jumping X amount of time with a 1 click, which has to be repeated over and over to go further

That script merges those 2 functions under a single button

Deus Ex Cinema

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