Add to MPC-HC playlist missing when right-clicking playlist file over the existing open MPC with its own playlist (right-click option missing)

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Add to MPC-HC playlist missing when right-clicking playlist file over the existing open MPC with its own playlist (right-click option missing) Empty Add to MPC-HC playlist missing when right-clicking playlist file over the existing open MPC with its own playlist (right-click option missing)

Post by LiLAsN Fri Sep 02, 2022 7:00 pm

Hi. So basically, usually, I will be be watching multiple video files using the add to playlist option via right-clicking on a video file and choosing 'Add to MPC-HC playlist'.

This includes adding previous saved .mpcpl playlist file which I can right-click and have the option to select 'Add to MPC-HC playlist'.

However, due to some reason, I had to re-format my PC and reinstall windows. After installing the latest K-Lite Codec Pack Mega 1720 and even using Restore via Codec Tweak Tool, now, a playlist file on my folder no longer has the option to select 'Add to MPC-HC playlist' when I right-click it. Now I only have 'Play with MPC-HC' as an option and clicking that option only opens a new player window as per my settings.

Is there any way to re-add the option, 'Add to MPC-HC playlist', for my right-click of the playlist file on my desktop?

Thank you very much for any assistance rendered.


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Join date : 2018-11-05

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Add to MPC-HC playlist missing when right-clicking playlist file over the existing open MPC with its own playlist (right-click option missing) Empty Re: Add to MPC-HC playlist missing when right-clicking playlist file over the existing open MPC with its own playlist (right-click option missing)

Post by LiLAsN Fri Sep 02, 2022 7:30 pm

I even tried doing a fresh install of a slightly older version 1700 and that didn't help.

How I managed to solve it was to install a way older version that I know works. But unfortunately, the closest that I have was back in 2018. Installing that, I finally have that option back on my right-click of playlist files.
I then proceeded to update to the latest 1720, and the option is still there. So am glad that this issue has finally be sorted out.

If it helps anyone else, the old version that solved this issue that I used was K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1455_Mega.

Hope this helps and hopefully and devs here can help fix this issue since it seems to be forgotten and left out in the later versions. Other versions I've tried were 1715 too before I tried 1700 if it helps to address that these latest packs were missing this option unlike the older packs.


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Join date : 2018-11-05

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Add to MPC-HC playlist missing when right-clicking playlist file over the existing open MPC with its own playlist (right-click option missing) Empty Re: Add to MPC-HC playlist missing when right-clicking playlist file over the existing open MPC with its own playlist (right-click option missing)

Post by Admin Sun Sep 04, 2022 11:02 am

The installer has option for the playlist entry and it is enabled by default.

Explorer only shows it when MPC is set as default application for an extension. The installer handles the file associations, but maybe something is going wrong on your computer.

Go to Windows settings after installation. Then in "default programs" select MPC as preferred application.


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Add to MPC-HC playlist missing when right-clicking playlist file over the existing open MPC with its own playlist (right-click option missing) Empty Re: Add to MPC-HC playlist missing when right-clicking playlist file over the existing open MPC with its own playlist (right-click option missing)

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