madVRhdrMeasure is same as madvr or not? Can you add madVRhdrMeasure to k-lite?

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madVRhdrMeasure is same as madvr or not? Can you add madVRhdrMeasure  to k-lite? Empty madVRhdrMeasure is same as madvr or not? Can you add madVRhdrMeasure to k-lite?

Post by mickeekung Thu Jun 09, 2022 3:23 pm

madVRhdrMeasure is same as madvr or not? Can you add madVRhdrMeasure to k-lite? 2022-04-05


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madVRhdrMeasure is same as madvr or not? Can you add madVRhdrMeasure  to k-lite? Empty Re: madVRhdrMeasure is same as madvr or not? Can you add madVRhdrMeasure to k-lite?

Post by Admin Thu Jun 09, 2022 7:57 pm

That is the same as madvr.

The hdrMeasure versions are test builds with experimental HDR tonemapping options. They have an expiry date, which means they stop working after a few months. They are for testers and not for general purpose usage.

K-Lite will not include such test versions.

You can use it by simply overwriting the madvr files from K-Lite.


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