Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture.

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Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture. Empty Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture.

Post by BlackG Wed Apr 13, 2022 1:35 pm

Ver: 16.9.5
OS: Win 11
GPU: 12900k iGPU

Tried to play with other players, same issue with Zoom Player, WMP plays just fine but only because can't set madvr probably.
MPC-BE same issue as MPC-HC.

When I play a TS file, it plays sound first but then breaks when you try to play another file or go to next. Then unless you reboot, even other file types that did play won't.

Saw it first after upgrade then I thought it was broken drivers so I reinstalled system from scratch. Still the same problem.

I don't remember if it worked on Win10. I will try it later today when I get home.



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Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture. Empty Re: Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture.

Post by Admin Wed Apr 13, 2022 5:21 pm

If the file causes problems with the next files that are played, then it definitely is a problem with the graphics driver. Possibly triggered by corrupt data in your ts file.

Try with MPC Video Renderer instead of MadVR.

You can press WinKey+Ctrl+Shift+B to restart the graphics driver without having to reboot.


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Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture. Empty Re: Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture.

Post by BlackG Wed Apr 13, 2022 5:30 pm

Thank you very much for your fast reply.
I tried the MPC renderer but it was sound only still.
The only one that seems to work is EVR /Custom. Even for it there's a wired delay before the file opens.
I have redownloaded the files so I don't think they are corrupt and like I said, I tried different installations of windows, first with the MB drivers, then the win drivers but still the same.

I will try to go back to Win10 and see


Went back to Win10. Problem persists.
I guess I'll have to wait for my DGPU. I wonder what the issue is!


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Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture. Empty Re: Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture.

Post by Admin Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:40 pm

A TS file is often a recording from a TV stream. That can contain corruption due to transmission errors.

The TS file format is not intended for online distribution. It has several downside such as slow seeking. Whomever is distributing these files should remux it into another container format such as Matroska. That will provide proper seeking.

You can try disabling hardware accelerated decoding. That might avoid the driver bug.


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Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture. Empty Re: Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture.

Post by BlackG Thu Apr 14, 2022 6:50 pm

I am not sure what you mean but I have been playing TS files with this codec since like the 2010s and it was just fine. I have a laptop with a 1th Gen CPU which plays the same files just fine.
And like I said, switching to EVR/CP works too.
I just uninstalled the codec. Downloaded a new one and installed it and set madvr to software on all. It played most mkv files but not all and when I played a TS, it stopped all together.

I will just stick with the EVR playback for now until I get a DGPU or someone helps me out with this issue.



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Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture. Empty Re: Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture.

Post by Admin Thu Apr 14, 2022 11:28 pm

If EVR works good, then the file should be fine.

It is a graphics driver problem. There is not really anything I or anyone else can do to solve that. All you can do is try different versions of the driver.

Can you copy MediaInfo details for the TS file here? Maybe problem is HDR related.


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Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture. Empty Re: Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture.

Post by BlackG Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:04 pm

Got a GPU. Now everything works. Same version. Everything plays just fine under madvr, even the ts files. Just like it always did.

I think there's something about the 12th Gen iGPU, the 12900k in my case. I hope it was just my CPU!

Anyway, just wanted to share that problem.


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Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture. Empty Re: Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture.

Post by berkkocaturk Sun May 15, 2022 6:11 am

If you have .TS files best thing to do it use mkvtoolnix to mux it to .mkv this will make it easily seekable and also might make the file smaller too


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Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture. Empty Re: Can't Play TS files in madvr. Trying breaks the player after some audio without picture.

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