windows media player cannot call the independent graphics card correctly

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windows media player cannot call the independent graphics card correctly Empty windows media player cannot call the independent graphics card correctly

Post by redapple0204 Wed Feb 02, 2022 3:58 am


My computer has an Intel Xe core graphics card and an mx450 independent graphics card. For some reason, I want Windows media player to call the separate graphics card when playing.

I tried the following two schemes, but both failed.

1. I try to give priority to using independent graphics card in NVIDIA settings. However, despite this setting, the media player will automatically call the core graphics card.
2. I try to add Windows media player in Windows settings - System - display - graphics settings to use a separate graphics card. However, in this case, the media player will get stuck when it is opened and then exit automatically.

The K-Lite version I use is 16.3.5

What should I do? Thank you for your help


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windows media player cannot call the independent graphics card correctly Empty Re: windows media player cannot call the independent graphics card correctly

Post by Admin Wed Feb 02, 2022 1:38 pm

Those are the only two ways to control which GPU is used. WMP itself might be overriding this.

I suggest using MPC-HC, which is a much better video player than WMP.


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