Media Player Classic - Batch command line WISH to turn on Subtitles.

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Media Player Classic - Batch command line WISH to turn on Subtitles. Empty Media Player Classic - Batch command line WISH to turn on Subtitles.

Post by MadWabbit Wed Oct 20, 2021 11:44 am

hi there.

Was wondering if you can add a command line to turn on subtitles on a video.
there is a command line /sub #### to add a separate subtitle to the video but there isn't a command to turn on the subtitles.

For reference, I have a video with 10 different subtitles available.  I use a batch file to play parts of the video for a certain time frame and then move to another part or another video.  I would like to be able to turn on the subtitles when I change locations.  The video has the subtitles turned off and have the manually turn the sub of choice.

The batch file I currently use is something like this.

if not DEFINED IS_MINIMIZED set IS_MINIMIZED=1 && start "" /min "%~dpnx0" %* && exit
:: Variables
:: A title is required if you use quotes around the executable path
SET windowTitle="$$$$"
SET mpcExecutable="C:\Program Files (x86)\K-Lite Codec Pack\MPC-HC64\mpc-hc64.exe"

:: Use an absolute path unless this bat file is in the same folder as the video file
SET fileLocation="E:\$$$$\$$$$$.mkv" :: placement for file location of video

SET position=00:07:20
START %windowTitle% %mpcExecutable% %fileLocation% /startpos %position%

SET position=00:20:40
START %windowTitle% %mpcExecutable% %fileLocation% /startpos %position%
:: sunny & izzy - at lighthouse


The command line help section has no command to turn on the subtitles... if there is, i must of missed it.  

Please, if you can, please add in a command like /SubtitleSelect 1  (*Where the Number is depending on the position of the subtitle in the list*)

Thanks in advance if possible.



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Join date : 2021-10-20

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Media Player Classic - Batch command line WISH to turn on Subtitles. Empty Re: Media Player Classic - Batch command line WISH to turn on Subtitles.

Post by Admin Wed Oct 20, 2021 1:42 pm

Options > Internal Filters > Splitter

There you can configure which subtitle it should enable by default.


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Media Player Classic - Batch command line WISH to turn on Subtitles. Empty Re: Media Player Classic - Batch command line WISH to turn on Subtitles.

Post by MadWabbit Thu Oct 21, 2021 8:14 am

Admin wrote:Options > Internal Filters > Splitter

There you can configure which subtitle it should enable by default.
is there any way to be able to control this through the /commands when using a batch file.  
I did turn on the splitter as mentioned but it means i still have to access the mpc directly when i dont want subtitles showing or to show them.

Reason why i'm asking is that I play movies with media player classic to my tv from the computer.  I use batch files to set up the videos or lists.mpcpl to control what to play.

sorry for asking...
and thanks for the eng:on option under the splitter.



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Media Player Classic - Batch command line WISH to turn on Subtitles. Empty Re: Media Player Classic - Batch command line WISH to turn on Subtitles.

Post by Admin Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:55 pm

There is no command for subtitles.

The splitter allows very advanced rules for selecting the desired subtitle. If set it correctly, you shouldn't need to change subtitles.

Or if you use .mkv files, then it is possible to set a specific subtitles as "default" in the file itself.

The player also has a web interface that you can enable in its options. Then you can control it remotely using a tablet or phone on same network.


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