To have preloaded and shown time for each video and total duration in playlist.

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To have preloaded and shown time for each video and total duration in playlist. Empty To have preloaded and shown time for each video and total duration in playlist.

Post by Artur51 Fri Sep 17, 2021 2:46 pm

Please make it possible to see each video and the total duration of all files in the playlist on init.
At the moment when I load videos into the playlist, the video time is not shown untilll I play it.

Thank you!


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Join date : 2021-09-17

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To have preloaded and shown time for each video and total duration in playlist. Empty Re: To have preloaded and shown time for each video and total duration in playlist.

Post by Admin Fri Sep 17, 2021 6:15 pm

To determine the duration each file has to be opened and then closed. That is a slow process for long playlist.

I am not going to add that functionality.


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To have preloaded and shown time for each video and total duration in playlist. Empty Re: To have preloaded and shown time for each video and total duration in playlist.

Post by ale5000 Sat Sep 18, 2021 1:50 pm

It is just an idea and it still need someone else to implement it but I think it is faster to use a light version of MediaInfo to only get duration and so skipping directshow and lav completely.


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To have preloaded and shown time for each video and total duration in playlist. Empty Re: To have preloaded and shown time for each video and total duration in playlist.

Post by Admin Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:59 pm

That still has a performance impact and takes time to process.


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To have preloaded and shown time for each video and total duration in playlist. Empty Re: To have preloaded and shown time for each video and total duration in playlist.

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