Another useful codec in your codec pack.

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Another useful codec in your codec pack. Empty Another useful codec in your codec pack.

Post by murchik_od Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:05 pm

Hello. Gentlemen, your K-Lite Codec Pack has reached a fairly high level not only among users but also among professionals. BUT is it possible to add another one to the package of existing codecs - Grass Valley HQX Codec. Yes, now many people are starting to write that it is not so often used in large societies, BUT among the linear video capture (real-time) codecs, it is one of the best. Then you need to give it away for editing and there is always a problem in the presence of a codec - it needs to be sent or given a link ... it's worse when a person is creative and it is difficult for him to install it. So maybe it is possible to add it to the codec pack ???


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Join date : 2021-09-03

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Another useful codec in your codec pack. Empty Re: Another useful codec in your codec pack.

Post by Admin Sat Sep 04, 2021 4:24 pm

Only commonly used codecs have a chance of getting added. This one is not popular at all. I have never heard of it.


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Another useful codec in your codec pack. Empty Re: Another useful codec in your codec pack.

Post by goldenteetv Sun Nov 28, 2021 5:19 pm

Admin wrote:Only commonly used codecs have a chance of getting added. This one is not popular at all. I have never heard of it.

you must not work in the video editing world especially with NLE's in the professional sector. Grass Valley is the maker of EDIUS and their codecs are very popular in our line of work which is film, broadcasting, ENG, etc, and is High Quality Intermediate Codec. But I agree I couldn't see it being included here but it would be nice to have the ability to download an add on pack of pro codecs like ones from Grass Valley, NewTek, Blackmagic, Magic YUV (the real one), Cineform, HAP, etc etc would be pretty cool.



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Another useful codec in your codec pack. Empty Re: Another useful codec in your codec pack.

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