.webm static picture

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.webm static picture Empty .webm static picture

Post by dwAxel Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:26 am


I got an issue after last update (a month ago I think).
MPC don't show video in some .webm files, just a static picture, but the audio plays ok.
But Mozilla Firefox browser and Telegram messenger playback that .webm properly.

Everything worked good before.

I download last version of K-Lite today and made "clean" instalation with recommended default settings, but it didn't helps.

Please help.

This is one of this videos for example.


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Join date : 2021-07-15

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.webm static picture Empty Re: .webm static picture

Post by Admin Thu Jul 15, 2021 1:11 am

The file contains two video tracks. But the second one is broken. It currently select the second one by default because it has a higher resolution.

You can select the other track here:
Menu > Play > Video Track

What is the origin of this video? Then I can check that website to see if the original file also contains two tracks. If not, your download tool might have a bug that causes the broken video track.


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.webm static picture Empty Re: .webm static picture

Post by dwAxel Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:05 pm

Thank you for explanation.
Could you please tell me how to force player always to prefer first video track?

May be the second video track used like preview picture?

This videoclip was downloaded in august 2017 in one of Anime webm threads, arhivach.net.
I watched it a month ago last time and everything was okay.
I use only native Firefox downloader (Right click/Save As).

This is one of those source pages https://arhivach.net/thread/704202/#156547
Try to download exactly 156547 video. It works perfect in browser, but shows static picture in "Media Player Classic".
As you can see on that page, exactly that static picture from second video track is used as preview in those website.

UPD: I checked few videos and can say that second video track definitly using as preview for webpage.


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.webm static picture Empty Re: .webm static picture

Post by Admin Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:30 pm

This will need a fix in the splitter to ignore the second track. The problem with these specific set of files is that it currently isn't properly detected as a preview image.

I will try to have it fixed or implement a workaround soon.

Thanks for the sample files.


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