Problem with MPC-HC Taking Over Association of Files with a .tps Extension

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Problem with MPC-HC Taking Over Association of Files with a .tps Extension Empty Problem with MPC-HC Taking Over Association of Files with a .tps Extension

Post by Radish Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:44 pm

System Details:
Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64
Media Player Classic Home Cinema (92ee446c1)
Codec Tweak Tool 6.5.3

I have on my computer files that have the extension .tps The 'tps' stands for 'TreePad State' and they just store information on how the program TreePad should display a window when a TreePad database file is loaded.

My problem is that it seems that MPC-HC has taken over the Windows association for any .tps files on the system. So if a double-click on a .tps file then MPC-HC tries to open it as a video file. Also the icon representing the file is shown in Explorer to an MPC-HC 'clipboard' icon labelled as 'Video'. When I was setting up the K-Lite Codec Pack I explicitly set MPC-HC to only handle video files (not audio files).

Now when I look in MPC-HC View > Options > Formats there is no mention of the .tps extension in there, so I now assume that somehow MPC-HC is taking over this .tps extension by some other means. How do I cure this problem and get my .tps files once again associated to TreePad?

I also wonder if a cure is found for this problem that doing an update of K-Lite will take over the association again anew.

I should say that this association being set by MPC-HC does not in any way interfere with the functionality of the TreePad program. It's just annoying behaviour on the part of MPC-HC.

Posts : 6
Join date : 2020-06-04

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Problem with MPC-HC Taking Over Association of Files with a .tps Extension Empty Re: Problem with MPC-HC Taking Over Association of Files with a .tps Extension

Post by Admin Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:51 pm

That extension is sometimes also used for video files.

During installation you can customize for which extensions a file association is created. Uninstall first to restore the original association for .tps.

If you normally never need to double-click on those database files, then there is of course no real need to take any action.


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