Addition of stdin support [CLI]

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Addition of stdin support [CLI] Empty Addition of stdin support [CLI]

Post by NotesOfReality Sun Feb 21, 2021 10:24 pm

Could you please add the support for stdin just like the MPV/VLC one? "One exception is the lone - (without anything else), which means media data will be read from stdin"

Atm if I try to pipe any URL it just returns a "Failed to render the file" error, tho it actually works fine if I input the URL by MPC-HC GUI.
Addition of stdin support [CLI] 2021-010


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Join date : 2021-02-21

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Addition of stdin support [CLI] Empty Re: Addition of stdin support [CLI]

Post by Admin Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:51 am

The player has full command line support. It also already supports pipe input from stdin. But you need to pipe in actual file data. Not just an URL.

You should use normal command line instead:
mpc-hc64.exe URL


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