MPC-HC suggested audio option

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MPC-HC suggested audio option Empty MPC-HC suggested audio option

Post by ITgreybeard Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:17 pm

I have encoded a video with two audio tracks and one default subtitle track as h.265 in an .mp4. The first audio track is Swedish (the original language of the video), the second track an English dub. Although my native language is English, I would prefer that the audio track played by default be the first one (Swedish) together with the default subtitle track, and so the encoding has that Swedish audio track as the first of the two.

Likewise with other videos: whether French or German or another language, I would prefer that the default audio track be that which is the first of the two or more.

Yet I do not see any option in mpc-hc to default to the first audio track. The only option is to choose a preferred language, which varies from film to film. Could an option be added to mpc-hc so that the audio track played by default is the first audio track in the encoded file?

Thanks for the consideration.



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MPC-HC suggested audio option Empty Re: MPC-HC suggested audio option

Post by Admin Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:39 pm

You can do this by adjusting the setting in LAV Splitter.

Audio: remove the languages, then it will select the Default track, or first one if there is no default.
Subtitles: move *:*|df to the front to always prefer the Default/Forced track


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MPC-HC suggested audio option Empty Re: MPC-HC suggested audio option

Post by ITgreybeard Wed Mar 24, 2021 9:44 pm

Thank you!  (I am coming to this late but it will still be of great use!)


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Join date : 2019-11-03

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MPC-HC suggested audio option Empty Re: MPC-HC suggested audio option

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