Rewinding frames backward is accompanied by lags.

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Rewinding frames backward is accompanied by lags. Empty Rewinding frames backward is accompanied by lags.

Post by blender Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:59 am

I constantly observe this problem.
Fast-forwarding by framesworks well as it should. But rewinding frames backward is accompanied by lags.
The higher the resolution, the stronger the lag - and it's clear why the resolution is so important. But it is not clear why there are lags at all? Why is frame by frame rewinding back more difficult than frame by frame forward? Can this be fixed?
This is an important issue for me, since I often have to take screenshots.


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Rewinding frames backward is accompanied by lags. Empty Re: Rewinding frames backward is accompanied by lags.

Post by Admin Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:51 pm

Modern video formats can't efficiently be played in backwards direction. Decoding a video frame can depend on several preceding reference frames. When playing forward normally, such reference frames are be kept in memory until they are no longer needed.

Frame step backwards works the same as a non-keyframe seek. It needs to decode the desired frame plus all reference frames it depends on. So it is much slower. This process can't and won't be changed.

I recommend seeking backwards to previous keyframe (Shift+Left) and then step forwards to the desired frame.


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Rewinding frames backward is accompanied by lags. Empty Re: Rewinding frames backward is accompanied by lags.

Post by blender Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:43 pm

OK. Thanks for the clarification and advice.


Posts : 21
Join date : 2020-10-06

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Rewinding frames backward is accompanied by lags. Empty Re: Rewinding frames backward is accompanied by lags.

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