Subtitle issues

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Subtitle issues Empty Subtitle issues

Post by fredmak Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:04 pm

Subtitle playback on srt and ass formats has been unreliable; the option is often greyed out even when the srt file
is available in the same folder as an mp4 file.

I have had to use VLC which allows me to add the subtitle track and playback properly. I prefer MPC as there are more
options for refinement.

Can you please have a look at this and if more reliable, allow one to add subtitle as a right click option?

I have never had the download facility work to find a subtitle for use; it just tells me that there is none even
though I knw that it is there on a website.


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Join date : 2020-12-01

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Subtitle issues Empty Re: Subtitle issues

Post by Admin Fri Dec 04, 2020 6:20 pm

If the option is greyed out it means you are not using a compatible video renderer.
Options > Playback > Output

The pack uses a correct video renderer by default. The only exception is when there is an issue detected with the graphics driver.

Downloading subtitles from OpenSubtitles only works with an account on OpenSubtitles.
Options > Subtitles > Misc > OpenSubtitles > Right-click > Setup


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