[BUG XP] x265 videos play upside down

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[BUG XP] x265 videos play upside down Empty [BUG XP] x265 videos play upside down

Post by Outbreaker Sat Nov 28, 2020 11:54 pm

The latest K-Lite XP version has a bug. All x265 videos are play upside down. This wont happen if i only install the MPC-HC v1.7.13.32 without K-Lite.
And there is also a newer LAV Filter out for XP. Wink


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[BUG XP] x265 videos play upside down Empty Re: [BUG XP] x265 videos play upside down

Post by Admin Sun Nov 29, 2020 8:40 pm

XP is no longer being supported.

If video is upsidedown it is likely a bug in the video renderer or graphics driver. If the videos are 10bit, then try unchecking the 10/16-bit colorspaces in LAV Video Decoder settings.


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