Need help importing FFV1 encoded video into Vegas Pro and VirtualDub

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Need help importing FFV1 encoded video into Vegas Pro and VirtualDub Empty Need help importing FFV1 encoded video into Vegas Pro and VirtualDub

Post by noisywan Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:21 pm

Hi folks,
I need to work with some AVI files encoded with FFv1 codec but can't import them into Vegas Pro.
I used to have K-Lite installed on my Win 7 system and there were no issues on FFv1 with Vegas 12 and VirtualDub.

After reinstalling Windows it stopped working.

I've installed K-Lite again. The files playback fine with players but don't work with software that needs VFW codecs. (VirtualDub says it needs VFW in an error msg)
The K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool used to have a VFW section in configurations menu but now it's grayed out. I can't access VFW settings and enable FFV1.

How can I fix this issue. Any help is appreciated.

note: File/codec conversion is not an option for this issue. the files are too many, large and on a remote server.


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Need help importing FFV1 encoded video into Vegas Pro and VirtualDub Empty Re: Need help importing FFV1 encoded video into Vegas Pro and VirtualDub

Post by Admin Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:26 pm

The pack uses ffdshow VFW for FFv1 format. Only the 32-bit version of ffdshow VFW is included because the 64-bit version never worked properly (unstable). So in case of VirtualDub the solution is to use 32-bit version of VirtualDub. You could use that to frameserve to Vegas.


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Need help importing FFV1 encoded video into Vegas Pro and VirtualDub Empty Re: Need help importing FFV1 encoded video into Vegas Pro and VirtualDub

Post by noisywan Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:57 am

Admin wrote:The pack uses ffdshow VFW for FFv1 format. Only the 32-bit version of ffdshow VFW is included because the 64-bit version never worked properly (unstable). So in case of VirtualDub the solution is to use 32-bit version of VirtualDub. You could use that to frameserve to Vegas.

I've tried your solution and downloaded VD v1.10 32-bit. It didn't open the FFV1 either.

I have 64-bit Avidemux and it opens FFV1 files without any issues.
VirtualDub 2 also opens FFV1 videos without any problem but frameserving doesn't solve my problem. I need to open the files in Vegas and AfterEffects and there are too many files (some of them very large) used in different projects.

Vegas and After Effects used to work with FFV1 codec but now they don't. I don't get it.


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Need help importing FFV1 encoded video into Vegas Pro and VirtualDub Empty Re: Need help importing FFV1 encoded video into Vegas Pro and VirtualDub

Post by noisywan Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:16 am

I reinstalled Klite Mega and it worked


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