Is there a mouse related option for scanning?

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Is there a mouse related option for scanning? Empty Is there a mouse related option for scanning?

Post by mavenix Tue Nov 10, 2020 6:05 pm


Since updating to the latest MPC-HC (, I've noticed that playback skips while still holding the left-click to the position of the cursor.
Whereas previously, it would only skip when I released the mouse button.

Is there an option to toggle this feature on/off?
My previous codec pack was 15.6

Many thanks!


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Is there a mouse related option for scanning? Empty Re: Is there a mouse related option for scanning?

Post by Admin Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:06 pm

No, there is no option for that at this moment. If you keep the mouse button down in static position, it seeks every 1 second.

How long are you holding down the button and why? If I understand what exactly your mouse actions are, then maybe I can do something to improve things.


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Is there a mouse related option for scanning? Empty Re: Is there a mouse related option for scanning?

Post by mavenix Wed Nov 11, 2020 3:05 am

It is just a habit I have developed over the years. It isn't a big issue as there is the option to downgrade, but wondered if there was a way to change it.

I am always holding down the button when seeking.
For example, if I am looking for something specific but I am not sure if it is the right part, I will hold down mouse 1 and let the video play for a few seconds to make sure.
In videos that are hours long, a frame can skip lots of information in terms of sports.
So in this updated version, it will keep looping back to the previous frame.

I hope this helps you understand my situation.


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Is there a mouse related option for scanning? Empty Re: Is there a mouse related option for scanning?

Post by Admin Wed Nov 11, 2020 6:02 pm

Downgrading for this would be nonsense of course. But your choice. Just clicking would avoid the issue.

I will see if the behavior can be tweaked a bit.

How many seconds do you keep it down without moving?


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Is there a mouse related option for scanning? Empty Re: Is there a mouse related option for scanning?

Post by mavenix Sun Nov 15, 2020 4:09 am

Sorry, I made a mistake in my description of my issue.
When I hold down the mouse and move it, it seeks to the next frame, as intended.
Only when keeping it in a static position, it would seek every 1 second (as you described), which is what was changed since the update.

Clicking would avoid the issue, but for years it has been what I am used to, which is why I asked the question.
I could keep it down for maybe 5 seconds up to 10s.


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Is there a mouse related option for scanning? Empty Re: Is there a mouse related option for scanning?

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