MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key

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MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key Empty MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key

Post by egozi44 Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:14 am

Not sure where to post it cause it's kind of both, a suggestion and bug report~

Just as the title said, MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key,
That was an issue that I had with any MPC I've used aside the one that came with good old CCCP codec pack from 2015,
I've informed the people who keep updates MPC here
And they fixed it that long time annyoing bug,

Recently I've started use K-lite and wish you would've used that MPC ver too so that people could take screencaps without turn off anything.



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MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key Empty Re: MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key

Post by Admin Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:06 pm

15.7.6 has latest MPC-HC version.


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MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key Empty Re: MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key

Post by egozi44 Thu Oct 08, 2020 7:49 pm

Admin wrote:15.7.6 has latest MPC-HC version.

I'm still using 15.7.5, didn't seem like 15.7.6 is out yet?

Anyway it will include that MPC HC ver with that very fix?
Iirc that fix is just on test versions so far


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MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key Empty Re: MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key

Post by Admin Thu Oct 08, 2020 11:41 pm

There also is an update pack. But the test version is stable and good.


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MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key Empty Re: MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key

Post by egozi44 Mon Oct 12, 2020 2:14 am

Admin wrote:There also is an update pack. But the test version is stable and good.

I see thx, it may be better to wait for the new stable release though no?

Also when I'm upgrading from my current ver, do I need to remove the old ver first or I can just install the new one on top of the old one?

Edit, nvm I've updated and saw you can update things just fine via the installer, now lets hope there won't be any issues >.>


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MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key Empty Re: MPC crashes when you take a lot of screencaps with the F5 key

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