Videos rendered using MAGIX HEVC using CPU in vegas play as green-purple 3D SBS video

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Videos rendered using MAGIX HEVC using CPU in vegas play as green-purple 3D SBS video Empty Videos rendered using MAGIX HEVC using CPU in vegas play as green-purple 3D SBS video

Post by Zayo211 Tue Aug 18, 2020 9:19 pm

Picture of whats happening:
This only happens with vegas videos when rednered using cpu, gpu renderer works fine.
I also tried putting the video on my phone and it works fine there. Gave it to my friend, also works fine.
And tried to reset all settings and reinstall.
DL for actual video file:
Vegas Settings:

Windows 10 64bit
K-Lite Mega 15.6.8


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Videos rendered using MAGIX HEVC using CPU in vegas play as green-purple 3D SBS video Empty Re: Videos rendered using MAGIX HEVC using CPU in vegas play as green-purple 3D SBS video

Post by Admin Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:27 am

I can confirm a playback issue when using DXVA2 hardware acceleration. It plays correctly with software decoding or NVIDIA CUVID.

I will investigate further.


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Videos rendered using MAGIX HEVC using CPU in vegas play as green-purple 3D SBS video Empty Re: Videos rendered using MAGIX HEVC using CPU in vegas play as green-purple 3D SBS video

Post by Admin Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:34 pm

The problem is caused by format profile set by the encoder. It is set to "Main 10@L4.1@Main". You can see this with MediaInfo. The DXVA2 decoder thinks it is a 10-bit video and uses its "Main 10" decoder, which causes wrong output, since the video is actually 8-bit.

It is something that needs to be fixed in the decoder. However the weird profile is also something that should probably be fixed in the MainConcept encoder used by Vegas.


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