The sound stops like 1 milisecond and the player play the music by itself

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The sound stops like 1 milisecond and the player play the music by itself Empty The sound stops like 1 milisecond and the player play the music by itself

Post by uchix3 Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:29 am


Like the title of the topic I have 2 problem with the MPC-HM, I have Windows 10 and the problem is when I open a program that required UAC(User Account Control) the music(sound of the MPC) stop 1 sec and it´s disgunting and the other problem is that when I close a game that it´s in FullScreen if I have the music stopped it´s play by itself, I have to stop it every time when the game finish(League of Legends)

Thanks for the help Smile


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Join date : 2020-06-08

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The sound stops like 1 milisecond and the player play the music by itself Empty Re: The sound stops like 1 milisecond and the player play the music by itself

Post by Admin Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:59 pm

This may help:
In the Windows User Account settings, adjust the UAC setting so that it does not dim the screen when a UAC dialog appears.


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The sound stops like 1 milisecond and the player play the music by itself Empty Re: The sound stops like 1 milisecond and the player play the music by itself

Post by uchix3 Mon Jun 08, 2020 10:06 pm

Thanks, I fix that and with the other problema what can I do? When I start a game in FullScreen it do the same, sound lag  1 sec and it continue normal, and when I have the music stopped it play by itself when I quit the game.


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The sound stops like 1 milisecond and the player play the music by itself Empty Re: The sound stops like 1 milisecond and the player play the music by itself

Post by Admin Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:16 am

Sorry, I don't have a solution for that.


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Join date : 2011-06-17

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The sound stops like 1 milisecond and the player play the music by itself Empty Re: The sound stops like 1 milisecond and the player play the music by itself

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