Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7

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Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7 Empty Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7

Post by springer Wed Jan 29, 2020 5:14 pm

I'm on Windows 7 64 bit. I just updated the K-Lite Codec Pack Mega to v15.3.5, and I found out I can't change the shortcut keys setting in the MPC-HC.

Whenever I am trying to change a shortcut key setting by clicking the textinput shown at the image below:

Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7 WwtjH5s

There will be a few seconds freeze, and then the MPC-HC will close and exit by itself. I'm not sure if this is categorized as crash or not. There are no windows event logs at all.

If it works normally, there should be no crash and a "..." button will show up like in this image:

Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7 NZ7qq97

This issue doesn't happen in windows 10 with same version, and it doesn't happen on older version of MPC-HC like v15.3.2 and below.

I had tried reinstalling it with fresh install settings, but it doesn't fix the issue. I didn't change any installation settings at all except the preferred audio player.

Last edited by springer on Thu Jan 30, 2020 2:16 am; edited 2 times in total


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Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7 Empty Re: Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7

Post by Admin Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:46 pm

Can you test these two versions?

I have not yet been able to reproduce this problem on my Windows 7 system.


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Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7 Empty Re: Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7

Post by springer Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:12 pm

Just tested them. The issue happened on both versions.


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Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7 Empty Re: Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7

Post by Admin Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:18 pm

The issue is being investigated.


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Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7 Empty Re: Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7

Post by springer Sat Feb 08, 2020 1:50 pm

I just tried the MPC-HC keys settings today and the setting input works now, I checked that I'm still on K-Lite Mega v15.3.5. It's really strange, I don't remember I had done something about it. I will report if the issue happens again.


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Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7 Empty Re: Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7

Post by Admin Sat Feb 08, 2020 5:14 pm

Good to hear that it works again.


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Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7 Empty Re: Can't change shortcut key setting in MPC-HC from K-Lite Codec Pack Mega v15.3.5 in Windows 7

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