Multichannel PCM over HDMI

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Multichannel PCM over HDMI Empty Multichannel PCM over HDMI

Post by We87 Sat Jan 25, 2020 9:52 am

Windows 7 running latest klite. Nvidia GT1030 GPU connected thru HDMI to late model Denon avr.

Everything is bitatreaming the way it should and working fine, however my receiver can handle multichannel PCM audio and I'd like to use that for AAC 5.1 and 7.1 files instead of having ffdshow encode those audio tracks to AC3 first. It's hard to find that specific subject on the forum because everything I'm finding is how to Encode AAC and all I want to do is spit out AAC to my receiver.

I've turned off AAC under codecs under ffdshow, and turned it on under codecs in LAV Audio. But using this setup it's still only allowing 2 channel stereo get to the Denon.

Under codec tweak tool I have Same As Input, over HDMI and all of the options selected.

Is there something I'm missing to make this work? AAC multichannel over HDMI? Thanks in advance.


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Multichannel PCM over HDMI Empty Re: Multichannel PCM over HDMI

Post by Admin Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:08 pm

In the Codec Tweak Tool, click on the "Windows Sound Settings" button. Select your HDMI audio device there and configure it for 7.1 output.


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Multichannel PCM over HDMI Empty Re: Multichannel PCM over HDMI

Post by We87 Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:17 pm

Alright, yes that worked.

But now my receiver is always in multichannel PCM, including web browser audio and windows system sounds.

I was under the impression that I could configure this in such a way that windows is always in stereo 2 channel sound, until a movie is played with multichannel audio, which THEN triggers the codecs to spit out PCM 5 channel or whatever when the movie is over it defaults back to stereo. Is this not possible?


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Multichannel PCM over HDMI Empty Re: Multichannel PCM over HDMI

Post by We87 Sun Jan 26, 2020 5:05 am

Complete side note, but this just happened and I'd like to add it to this thread.

While the windows sound drivers are set to 5.1 surround, with four speakers and a sub, and NOT in stereo 2 channel - recorded tv from Windows Media Center gives this strange hiccup where it'll get stuck on repeating a one second clip of audio and regular video then after about 7 seconds it'll give out and say cannot play video due to video error. This exact problem PLAUGUED my windows 7 system for the longest time, I've also had it happen in windows 10.

Trying to get this AAC working on a separate windows 7 system, I saw that hiccup only after changing to 5.1 speakers in the windows sound settings back to stereo it all works the way it's supposed to


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Multichannel PCM over HDMI Empty Re: Multichannel PCM over HDMI

Post by Admin Sun Jan 26, 2020 4:59 pm

This should prevent the sound driver from changing the channel count:

MPC-HC options > Playback > Output > Select "Internal Audio Renderer"
MPC-HC Options > Internal Filters > Audio Renderer > Ignore system channel mixer (already on by default)


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