NU Audio card sound issue : no right side sound with MPC

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NU Audio card sound issue : no right side sound with MPC Empty NU Audio card sound issue : no right side sound with MPC

Post by naturefiend Sun Jan 12, 2020 12:37 am

So i recently got my hands on a Nu audio sound card. Work fine with everything BUT MPC. I tried to dabble with audio channels and so on, but the issue persists. When i check the audio levels on MPC say everything is fine. It appears that it doesn't register with the sound card for some reason.
Is there a solution i am not seeing?

Edit: I would like to add that i have ran several other video programs an they do not have this issue.

Edit 2: OK. so after doing a complete scrub and a clean install. it is now working. i and now using the standard version as i have issues with mega.


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NU Audio card sound issue : no right side sound with MPC Empty Re: NU Audio card sound issue : no right side sound with MPC

Post by Admin Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:04 pm

Mega should behave the same as Standard.

If it ever happens again:
Codec Tweak Tool > Audio Output > Windows Sound Settings

Then check if the correct audio device is set as default, and also check its speaker settings.


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