swap audio chanell left/right and equalizer

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swap audio chanell left/right and equalizer Empty swap audio chanell left/right and equalizer

Post by wakrijal Thu Oct 10, 2019 7:44 am

hi everyone on team..

i just new here and some suggestion..

1. can your team make a shortcut (custom maybe) on mpc to swap audio channel left to right or right to left an easy way.. or just left or right channel only.. i'm use mpc to play karaoke video with different audio on left and right..

2. it's very good that mpc have normalize audio function and i like it.. can it be made mpc player have an equalizer?

thank you for responding.. regards..
I love you


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Join date : 2019-10-10

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swap audio chanell left/right and equalizer Empty Re: swap audio chanell left/right and equalizer

Post by Admin Thu Oct 10, 2019 7:32 pm

Method #1 (only for videos in MPEG/VCD format):
1) MPC-HC options > Internal Filters > disable MPEG PS source filter
2) LAV Audio Decoder options > Formats > uncheck MP2
3) During playback you can select desired channel here: MPC-HC menu > Play > Filters > MPEG Audio Decoder

Method #2:
1) MPC-HC options > Audio Switcher > Enable custom channel mapping
2) Map both channel 1+2 to either left or right output

For equalizer you need to select ffdshow or AC3Filter as processor for uncompressed audio. You can change that if you run installer again.


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Join date : 2011-06-17


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