Change .ts-file into .mpg-file

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Change .ts-file into .mpg-file Empty Change .ts-file into .mpg-file

Post by Will-car Tue Oct 08, 2019 8:48 pm

I use Win10x64 Home.
I try Mega-codec 1510 til 1520,but the problem are the same.
I will convert .ts-files into .mpg-files(resolution:720x576):
When the people speek very fast in dialogues,the voices are not sychonized good.
Monolog are good!
Why not the dialogues?
It is a horror to listen the .mpg-files.
The conversion will be done by Ashampoo Movie Studio pro3.
Please help me.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2019-10-08

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Change .ts-file into .mpg-file Empty Re: Change .ts-file into .mpg-file

Post by Easy365 Tue Oct 08, 2019 9:10 pm

Why converting TS to MPG files?
You can just re-mux them to MKV files with MKVToolNix.
You will retain original aspect ratio (or set it manually) and can choose which streams to include in output file.
Audio-video sync is never lost, except in case of badly damaged TS file, and even then it is very rare.
Best in this method is that there is no re-encoding of files, video and audio are just "copied" in new "envelope" (MKV) and remain exactly same as in input files.
Absolutely no quality loss and extremely fast.
Similar (basically same) method is used by MakeMKV to convert DVD to MKV.

Later you can convert MKV to whatever format you want, best with HandBrake, or edit with any program, if you need that at all.

These programs are free, they do not have "PRO" in their names, but they are the best.


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Change .ts-file into .mpg-file Empty Re: Change .ts-file into .mpg-file

Post by Admin Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:42 pm

It seems like the converter did a bad job.

A good free converter is Handbrake.


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Join date : 2011-06-17

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