WMP will not play music

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WMP will not play music Empty WMP will not play music

Post by plas686 Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:10 pm

This is a new install of Windows 10 Pro.

I constantly get the message " Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file."

I have installed the lite pack and then the mega pack. Same thing occurs. VLC player and Groove will play without problems.

Any help would be most appreciated.

Log follows;

Codec Tweak Tool | Log file | Generated at 2019-10-06 15:58:43

##### System Information #####

OS: Windows 10 Enterprise (10.00.17134) (x64)
CPU name: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor
CPU details: 3893 MHz | 16 core(s) | Family 23 Model 113 Stepping 0
Memory: 32704 MB
Screen size: 3840x2160 (32bits) (29Hz) (150%)
GPU: Radeon RX 580 Series
VendorID: 1002, DeviceID: 67df
GPU memory: 8192 MB
GPU driver: aticfx64.dll (Version 26.20.13025.1004) (9-26-2019)
Audio device: Realtek High Definition Audio
VendorID: 10ec, DeviceID: 1220, SubSys: 104387c4
Audio driver: RTKVHD64.sys (Version 6.0.8708.1) (5-20-2019)

##### K-Lite Codec Pack #####

KLCP version: 15.2.0
KLCP type: mega

Speaker conf: 2.0

MPC renderer: EVR CP
MPC subs: ISR
MPC audio: System Default
MPC decoder: h264=DXVA2N hevc=DXVA2N vp9=0 vc1=0 mpeg2=0

##### Decoder Settings #####

LAV Video:

LAV Audio:
MP3=1 AC3=1 DTS=1 DTSHD=1 EAC3=1 TRUEHD=1 AAC=1 Vorbis=1 LPCM=1 WMA=0

##### DirectShow Filters (32-bit) #####

(A total of 82 filters, 0 shown, 82 hidden)

##### DirectShow Filters (64-bit) #####

(A total of 76 filters, 0 shown, 76 hidden)

##### ICM Class Manager (32-bit) #####

(A total of 3 filters, 0 shown, 3 hidden)

##### ICM Class Manager (64-bit) #####

(A total of 3 filters, 0 shown, 3 hidden)

##### Default source filters (32-bit) #####

(A total of 65 default source filters, 0 shown, 65 hidden)

##### Default source filters (64-bit) #####

(A total of 57 default source filters, 0 shown, 57 hidden)

##### ACM and VFW Codecs (32-bit) #####

Description: <none>
ID: vidc.i420
File name: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\lvcodec2.dll

(A total of 21 codecs, 1 shown, 20 hidden)

##### ACM and VFW Codecs (64-bit) #####

Description: <none>
ID: vidc.i420
File name: C:\WINDOWS\system32\lvcod64.dll

(A total of 18 codecs, 1 shown, 17 hidden)


Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-10-06

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WMP will not play music Empty Re: WMP will not play music

Post by Admin Mon Oct 07, 2019 5:00 pm

This is a generic error message that WMP shows. There can be many causes for it.

Since this is a new install, my guess would be a problem with the sound driver. I suggest re-installing the Realtek driver and also the AMD driver which includes HDMI audio driver.


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Join date : 2011-06-17


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WMP will not play music Empty Re: WMP will not play music

Post by plas686 Tue Oct 08, 2019 2:01 am

I would never have expected that. Thanks, problem solved.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-10-06

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WMP will not play music Empty Re: WMP will not play music

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