Hardware Decoding won't start with some HEVC H.265 videos

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Hardware Decoding won't start with some HEVC H.265 videos Empty Hardware Decoding won't start with some HEVC H.265 videos

Post by Parallax Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:18 am

Hello there!

Not sure if that's the right place to ask for help but I am kinda running out of ideas, so here it goes anyways Smile
Noticed that sometimes HEVC videos have some major artefacts while playing, so I tried to change some settings in LAV Video Decoder. Turned out that artifacts only persist while any kind of hardware acceleration is in use (Nvidia Cuvid/DXVA2/D3D11), so settings hardware acceleration to "None" kinda fixes the issue but I was still trying to get to the bottom of it. Tried googling and found this thread:
Honestly, I am still not sure if topic starter has been experiencing same problems as I am right now but the video he has provided as a sample had same artefacts as several other HEVC files I had troubles with:

So, here are the screenshots of those artefacts I am experiencing when hardware acceleration is turned on with this video:

So far I have tried tweaking with multiple settings in LAV Video and even Audio decoders but non of them removed those artifacts when hardware acceleration is active so I reversed everything to default right now just in case.
Also I tried using some online video converter and made a copy of that video with mostly same quality and parameters and for some reason this one came out artifact-free with all 3 decoders  o_o

I compared theirs MediaInfos and thats what I got:
(1 - for artefacted original and 2 - for no artefact copy)

and so I noticed that in with first file encoding settings are completely missing and assumed that hardware acceleration just doesn't kick in with this HEVC video for some reason...
Tried reinstalling Graphic card drivers and K-Lite Codec Pack.
And just in case here are my current LAV Video Decoder settings:

So, if anyone could give some advice on how to resolve this issue, that would be quite nice!
All tests have been done with K-Lite Codec Pack 15.1.6 and 15.1.9.
Windows 10 x64; AMD Ryzen 5 3600; Nvidia RTX 2070 Super


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Hardware Decoding won't start with some HEVC H.265 videos Empty Re: Hardware Decoding won't start with some HEVC H.265 videos

Post by Admin Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:30 pm

The video is violating the HEVC specification. That is why hardware decoding is not working correctly. The software decoder is less strict.

The video was most likely created with a buggy version of the encoder.

Using software decoding, or re-encoding the video are your only options.


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Hardware Decoding won't start with some HEVC H.265 videos Empty Re: Hardware Decoding won't start with some HEVC H.265 videos

Post by Parallax Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:01 pm

And the same would go for this file as well?


Apologies that I didn't include this one in previous post as well Sad


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Hardware Decoding won't start with some HEVC H.265 videos Empty Re: Hardware Decoding won't start with some HEVC H.265 videos

Post by Admin Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:49 pm

If it has the same issue, then yes.


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Hardware Decoding won't start with some HEVC H.265 videos Empty Re: Hardware Decoding won't start with some HEVC H.265 videos

Post by Parallax Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:52 pm

Thank you very much and have a nice day Smile


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