Stop KLCP from adding to the context menu

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Stop KLCP from adding to the context menu Empty Stop KLCP from adding to the context menu

Post by Hashim Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:03 pm

Hi. Firstly, thanks for the great work you do on the codec pack, I know I'm not alone when I say I've been using it for almost a decade as a matter of course, and over that time it has become the one of the most invaluable software releases, for both average users and power users.

However, I recently did a fresh install of Windows 7, the goal of which was to get as clean and minimal a setup as possible. A huge part of this was cleaning up the default context menu items so that it only displays the most necessary items, and this included wiping out all Windows Media Player-related context menu items. Therefore, when finally getting around to installing KLCP, and setting it up to use Windows Media Player for audio extensions and MPC-HC for video, I was annoyed when it re-added the WMP context menu items to audio items. I'd previously removed all of these registry keys manually.

Firstly: how can I undo this? What are all of the registry keys that KLCP adds for audio files that I would need to delete?

Secondly, for future releases, could an option be added to the installer to opt out of Windows Media Player registering any context menu items?

Thank you.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2019-09-30

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Stop KLCP from adding to the context menu Empty Re: Stop KLCP from adding to the context menu

Post by Admin Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:45 pm

You can edit the context menu shell entries in these Registry keys:

I can't promise an option.


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Join date : 2011-06-17

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