Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates

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Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates Empty Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates

Post by mcbsys Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:39 pm


I'm helping a customer that uses a program called MediaShout that relies on the K-Lite Codecs to play video. We use the CodecTweakTool.exe 15.1.6 to disable two Microsoft codecs:

- Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder
- Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder (64-bit)

Unfortunately, when Windows 10 pushes a major update, and sometimes with minor updates, these tweaks are lost and video fails to play.

I've created a script that will disable the codecs (and audio ones too):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\K-Lite Codec Pack\Tools\CodecTweakTool.exe" /disable_msmpeg2adec_x86 /disable_msmpeg2adec_x64 /disable_msmpeg2vdec_x86 /disable_msmpeg2vdec_x64

However someone with Administrator privileges needs to be there to press "Apply & Close".

I tried running that with the /silent and /verysilent parameters. The UI does not appear, but the changes are not applied--when you re-run with the UI, the corresponding check boxes are not checked.

I need a script that I can run at 6am daily from an automation tool (without logging on) to make sure the codecs are re-disabled. Is there a way to use CodeTweakTool to do that? Or are there registry entries I can change or delete to disable the Microsoft codecs?




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Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates Empty Re: Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates

Post by Admin Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:55 pm

What the tweaks do is rename these files (by appending .bak):

That is something you could do yourself from a script. Only difficulty is the file permissions of those files. You must change ownership from "TrustedInstaller" group to Administrator group. You can use takeown.exe for that (or SetACL.exe).

Disabling those codecs may cause problems in other applications. They are for example needed for video playback in some web browsers.

With the preferred decoder settings you should be able to bypass the Microsoft codecs are well, at least for most types of files.


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Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates Empty Re: Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates

Post by mcbsys Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:09 pm

Thanks very much! I assume I need to rename those in C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64.

I don't know why, but MediaShout says that disabling (not just using preferred decoder settings) is the solution:

Before I start scripting, is there a way to get CodecTweakTool.exe to do this in silent mode? Am I missing an "Apply" or "Save" parameter?


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Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates Empty Re: Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates

Post by Admin Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:16 pm

You can use /silent switch for CTT to hide the GUI and press apply automatically. But it needs to be executed with Administrator privileges.


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Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates Empty Re: Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates

Post by mcbsys Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:39 pm

Thanks but in my testing, when I run this as Administrator

"C:\Program Files (x86)\K-Lite Codec Pack\Tools\CodecTweakTool.exe" /silent /disable_msmpeg2adec_x86 /disable_msmpeg2adec_x64 /disable_msmpeg2vdec_x86 /disable_msmpeg2vdec_x64

nothing happens. The files are not renamed and when I go back in to the UI, the boxes are still unchecked. It's like it only presses Close, not Apply & Close.


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Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates Empty Re: Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates

Post by Admin Tue Sep 24, 2019 8:51 pm

You must also add /win7ds to enable the command line processing of those options. Forgot about that.


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Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates Empty Re: Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates

Post by mcbsys Tue Sep 24, 2019 10:39 pm

Aha! I missed that in the doc. Thank you SO much! Now that it's working from the command line, it was a simple job to add a 5am daily scheduled task that runs as SYSTEM with highest privileges. Hopefully that will re-disable those MS codecs every time a MS update re-enables them--and before anyone has to use the computer that day.

Thanks again,



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Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates Empty Re: Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates

Post by bradleyb Wed Sep 25, 2019 8:33 pm

pardon my newbish-ness but i'm a Win10 / K Lite / MPC-HC user for a few years after I realized how much I was missing within the supposed holy grail VLC. I try not to change too many settings from their default settings especially during the initial setup wizard with each new release. For a person who is not as much of an advanced user as those above, and who would probably find a way to corrupt an entire PC and BSOD it permanently by running a dos or shell prompt,

Can I simply reinstall the codec pack & mpc-hc full bundle to solve the situation discussed above or must I venture into the terrifying world of dos windows *shudders*

thanks so much and thank you


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Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates Empty Re: Codec tweaks lost when Windows 10 updates

Post by Admin Wed Sep 25, 2019 11:29 pm

MPC-HC does not need any tweaks Wink

These tweaks are only needed by certain "dumb" players.


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