BSOD when trying to view any video file with MPC-HC

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BSOD when trying to view any video file with MPC-HC Empty BSOD when trying to view any video file with MPC-HC

Post by araj946 Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:07 pm

I'm getting a blue screen in windows 10 1903, when trying to see any video file. The Error code is "page fault in non-paged area". Windows re-initializes after error. MPC-HC worked normally with the the anterior version of Windows 10.

The Machine is a MS Surface Pro with intel graphics and a core I5 processor. I have tried:

1- uninstall K-Lite (Full) completely and clean the register with Glary Utilities Pro; then make a fresh install of K-Lite Codec Full last version available. The problem persists with the default (recommended) setups. Various tweaks (eg re-register codec files) don't solve the issue.
2 - Disable hardware acceleration completely. Same;
3 - View the same video files with VLC. No problems at all;
4 - View the same files with "Files and TV" app from windows 10; No problemas at all.

I'm completely stumped. Please help! I prefer MPC-HC, and I have it installed in a older machine (upgraded from windows 7, and with NVIDIA graphics) also with windows 10 1903 and it works faultlessly. Why doesn't it work on the tablet? I didn't find any broken drivers and all of them report as correct...


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BSOD when trying to view any video file with MPC-HC Empty Re: BSOD when trying to view any video file with MPC-HC

Post by Admin Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:52 pm

It is not the fault of MPC-HC. BSODs are caused by software that run at the kernel level, meaning drivers and parts of Windows. Normal software will just crash when they do something wrong.

Check if there are any BIOS/firmware updates available for your Surface Pro. Also update the Intel graphics driver. If you can tell me which version of the Surface Pro you have I can help to find a download link.

This little tool should be able to show you more details about the BSOD:
It may show you which driver has a bug.


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