Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features?

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Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features? Empty Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features?

Post by johnkubik Fri Sep 06, 2019 4:20 am

I use MPC daily. It is such an amazing player, but there are a few things that I would like to see changed/added.

I am willing to pay who ever maintains MPC to add the features... and I am sure they would benefit everyone once put into the software.

Just wondering if there is a contact for someone who could field my requests and we can start talking about pricing and feature sets I would like to see added.

Please let me know.

Thank you!


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Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features? Empty Re: Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features?

Post by Admin Fri Sep 06, 2019 4:35 pm

Which features do you want added?


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Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features? Empty Re: Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features?

Post by johnkubik Sat Sep 07, 2019 1:02 am


Thanks for the quick reply!

So, some of the features I would like to see are listed below:

1. A-B loop. This feature would be so amazing! I actually created a requirements document (pdf) that I can send to anyone that describes what I think the best iteration/implementation of the A-B loop could be.

2. When you go to the title-bar-less compact view you cant use Windows "stack" or "show windows side-by-side" options. The coolest thing would be to have a custom cascade effect built in that would organize all of the open MPC instances in a grid on screen so the Windows "side-by-side" function wouldnt need to be used. (when you use the windows side-by-side function there is a 10 pixel gap between the windows once they are arranged, which is SUPPER annoying!!).... the creation of the custom arrangement option is a moon-shot wish, but the minimum would be to allow for the title-bar less MPC windows to be arranged using the Windows functions.

3. MPC instances cant be moved off the top of the screen. If the title bar is moved off the screen to the top it bounces back to be totally on screen.

Those the three off the top of my head that I would most like to see in MPC. I know the last two are probably very nichce in term of use cases, but I use MPC daily and it would drastically improve some of the major annoyances I face when using MPC.

Let me know what you think the feasibility is of these options! Smile


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Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features? Empty Re: Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features?

Post by Admin Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:14 pm

1. Could be done by adding hotkeys for setting A and B position during playback. Plus a hotkey to reset. Or a single hotkey that first sets A, then B on second press, resets on third, A on fourth, and so on. Will probably take a few hours to implement and test.

2. Afaik it is a Windows limitation that snapping to the sides doesn't work with a borderless window.

MPC-HC already allows setting its window size using the command line. View preset as well. Only window position not yet. If that were to be added then it should be possible to use a .bat script to launch multiple instances with desired positions and sizes. That would allow to easily make for example a 2x2 or 4x4 grid.

3. Why do you need to move it off screen?


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Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features? Empty Re: Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features?

Post by johnkubik Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:20 pm

1. That would be amazing!

2. The use case I have is that I open 5+ windows (sometimes more than 10) open and then want to arrange them in a grid. So if you open a bunch of windows and then right click on the task bar and hit "show windows side by side". So launching the presided windows first would not necessarily be ideal.

2.5 ah, ok. If Windows won't allow for a borderless MPC instance to be worked with, is there a way to make the title bar of a MPC 1px a color filled black? Hitting ctrl-0 a few times makes the title bar smaller, but it is very bright still. (In the morning I can try and attach a picture of what I mean

3. I use MPC as my photo viewer. And if I am reading web comics I sometimes shift the image up and of screen to go to the next scene of the image. (Yeah, this one is probably a really unique use case, 😂).

Thanks again for responding so fast!


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Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features? Empty Re: Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features?

Post by Admin Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:38 pm

The title bar is controlled by Windows. It can't (easily) be changed. You can customize the "accent" color in Windows settings, but that only affects active windows.

You should really use something better for images, like Irfanview.


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Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features? Empty Re: Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features?

Post by johnkubik Sat Sep 07, 2019 11:30 pm

Admin wrote:The title bar is controlled by Windows. It can't (easily) be changed. You can customize the "accent" color in Windows settings, but that only affects active windows.

You should really use something better for images, like Irfanview.

I just googled how to set the task bar to black and it seem you can FINALLY do it in Windows 10 *it doesnt look super good*, but it should actually allow me to set the "frame only" to black title bar. I have been trying to do this for so long. It doesnt 100% do what I want, but it is close enough.

I HHAAAATTE irfanview. MPC is the best! ;p

I guess the only thing now is A-B loop and it is more perfect!


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Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features? Empty Re: Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features?

Post by wbtcpip Wed Oct 30, 2019 10:29 am

me i would like to see a library like libvlc.dll to allow embed and control MPC from my own application


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Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features? Empty Re: Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features?

Post by Admin Wed Oct 30, 2019 1:03 pm


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Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features? Empty Re: Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features?

Post by johnkubik Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:47 pm

Is there any update on the features I was trying to get added? Still very interested in them.

Thanks again for all your hard work!!


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Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features? Empty Re: Who maintains MPC, and how can I pay them to add features?

Post by Admin Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:24 pm

A-B Repeat has been added and will be available in next update.

You can donate here:


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