MPC input lag

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MPC input lag Empty MPC input lag

Post by jaska00 Sun Sep 01, 2019 5:13 pm

I recently contacted this forum because I was not able to adjust my subtitles. Cause of this was that I had wrong DirectShow Video setting selected. I selected madVR and I was able to adjust subtitles again. I have noticed that my TV input lag reduced after this change so the audio delay I had been using had to be readjusted. I'm using external audio device (headphones) and the sound is outputted through TV optical output to my headphones. PC is signal source for video and my TV is already configured at game mode and every image processing setting that can be disabled is disabled.

I didnt know that I could affect my TV input lag from my computer settings. Now I know. Is there any other settings in MPC that I could tweak to minimize input lag even more?


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Join date : 2019-08-04

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MPC input lag Empty Re: MPC input lag

Post by Admin Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:08 pm

You can configure audio delay in the audio decoder settings.


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MPC input lag Empty Re: MPC input lag

Post by jaska00 Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:35 pm

Admin wrote:You can configure audio delay in the audio decoder settings.

Yes I already figured that out since Audio / Video were not in sync in my television and I had adjusted that. Before I set madVR for output I had to use ~150ms delay for audio since my TV signal processing time is very high even when in game mode. Now it can be almost set to 0. I found out that madVR forces my TV to use same refresh rate as the video file itself uses. Because of this my TV does not produce "frames between" to achieve higher refresh rate and it also reduces the input lag greatly. There would be no need to reduce the input lag if I were using TVs own speakers but Im using headphones.

Is there any other image processing setting that I could change to reduce my TVs signal processing even more?


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MPC input lag Empty Re: MPC input lag

Post by Admin Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:44 pm

I don't think there is anything else you can do on the PC side.


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