MadVR 4k Playback issue

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MadVR 4k Playback issue Empty MadVR 4k Playback issue

Post by roquestar Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:10 am

Hello everyone,

I am new here. Please be gentle Smile. I have tried Google and this forum to find a solution, but could not find anything. So let's try it here:

Samsung U28H75x (4K monitor, display port)
Intel i5 3570K
16GB Ram
AMD Radeon RX480
(rest I consider irrelevant, but correct me if I am wrong)

Windows 10 Pro - v1809 - OSb 17763.615
K-lite Codec Pack 1509
Media Player Classic v 1.8.7
LAV filters v0.74.1.20
madVR v0.92.17

When playing ALL types of video (fileformat + resolutions) I get this:

MadVR 4k Playback issue Madvr_10

The video is always on the upperleft corner at one quarter of the monitor resolution - rest is black. BUT if I change the resolution of my monitor to 1080p (instead of 4k) all is good! And note how the video is overlapping the MPC menu (File - View - Play - Navigate - etc) in the upper left corner. Weird.

And this only happens with madVR. Other ones I have no problems with.

I have tried messing with every setting (scaling) of MPC and madVR... no effect. Please help.

MAJOR WEIRD UPDATE: Apparently this only happens when I start my videos through uTorrent. If not... there is no problem what so ever. Can I get a WTF from people?


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Join date : 2019-07-31

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MadVR 4k Playback issue Empty Re: MadVR 4k Playback issue

Post by Admin Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:48 pm

I suspect uTorrent is running with a compatibility mode active. Windows can apply those automatically sometimes if it detects certain (potential) compatibility issues. When uTorrent launches MPC those workarounds get inherited by the child process.

You can test if this theory is correct. Get Process Explorer tool:

Launch a video from uTorrent. In process Explorer, right-click on MPC and go to properties. On the "Environment" tab check if you see the variable __COMPAT_LAYER. If you do, let me know its value.

Also, what Text Size (DPI scaling) setting are you using in Windows? Larger than 100%?

I don't have a solution for you right now. But the above information could help the developer of madVR figure out if this is a bug in MadVR or in Windows.


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MadVR 4k Playback issue Empty Re: MadVR 4k Playback issue

Post by roquestar Wed Jul 31, 2019 6:21 pm

__COMPAT_LAYER PerProcessSystemDPIForceOff GdiDPIScaling DPIUnaware

My DPI scaling is at 150% (due to 4k monitor on a 28 inch)

Thanks for the swift response. I hope I can help anyone else with this as well.


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Join date : 2019-07-31

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MadVR 4k Playback issue Empty Re: MadVR 4k Playback issue

Post by Admin Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:34 pm

Bug has been submitted.


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