Cannot Render File, Blu-Ray

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Cannot Render File, Blu-Ray Empty Cannot Render File, Blu-Ray

Post by fractured chaos Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:41 am

I'm currently using Windows 10, 64-bit.  I just downloaded and installed the most recent version of the codec pack (K-Lite Codec Pack v. 15.0.0 - mega), and when I insert a blu-ray disc, it acknowledges that the disc is in there, but I get the error: Cannot Render the File.  I have other blu-ray discs that play with no trouble.  The ones that play are anime, if that makes a difference, and the discs that get the error message is "Supernatural". Not sure if that makes matters, but that's the problem I'm having.

Hope y'all can help!  Thanks in advance.

ETA: I was having the issue before I updated to the newer version, which is why I updated in the first place.

fractured chaos

Posts : 1
Join date : 2019-06-26

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Cannot Render File, Blu-Ray Empty Re: Cannot Render File, Blu-Ray

Post by Admin Wed Jun 26, 2019 12:49 pm

Blu-ray discs contain content protection to prevent easy copy of the video. The content must be decrypted before you can play it with MPC-HC.

Tools like Passkey and AnyDVD HD can remove it in realtime during playback.


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Join date : 2011-06-17

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