issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Thu Jun 06, 2019 7:04 am

Hello . I am using specific files for coaching pupils for film dubbing. these movies have to be 60fps because I am using a "rythmo tape" as you will see on the link ( this is a very specific lower tape added to the movie with the text srolling, this system is used by professionnal dubbers in france, I cannot do it another way. ) I can read them in different programs to work with them ( like sony vegas; adobe audition...) I have instale the latest and biggest codec pack you propose. I have two problems :

- most of my pupils have issues when trying to open these files ( I tried in many different formatrs, mp4, etc;..) sometimes, they cannot open them at all, sometimes, they can rfead it in wmp, but not in the recording program ( DAW), sometimles, they have the audio but not the video in the DAW, but wmp can open both. I had the same problem on another computer of mine, and solved it isntalling the latest codec pack of yours. but when i proposed this as a solution for my pupils, it didn't work.

- when these fils can be open on my computer and on those of some of my pupils, the reding of the rythmo tape is not flawless, it is unpleasant to read for the eyes. and then not eady to work with. especially in Reaper, ' a very interesting a cheap program that I propose my pupils toi you for our purposes. also, when opened in sony vegas and adobe audition 1.5 on my computer, the result is very différent : flawless and beautiful picture in adobe and rather bad quality and some dropped pictures in sony vegas. I wrote to reaper to explain that, but the only solution i had was " I advise tyou to remove the srcoling text, it's bad for the eyes".

could there be a solution for my fils to be played easily by my pupils, and for the movie to be flawless on daws and particularly reaper ? I am trying new formats, didn't find one that would match most computers.
Thanks and regards
luc the frogggie


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by Admin Thu Jun 06, 2019 6:11 pm

There are different types of codecs (DirectShow/VFW/MediaFoundation/QuickTime) so behavior depends on which type an application uses. Some apps even use internal codecs. So advice depends on specific combination of application and file format.

The codec pack contains a tool called GraphStudioNext which you can use to test playback using DirectShow.

Reaper can use VLC/FFmpeg/DirectShow. See here:
Reaper options > media > video > video decoder priority
Difference in behavior for students is probably related to VLC being installed or not, or having old version.

Scrolling text will never look very pleasant to the eyes, even when played correctly. So that is not something you can fix. However, dropped frames or stuttering movement can be fixable. Since the video is 60 fps, it is best to also have a screen refresh rate of 60 Hz. Some computer use 59 Hz by default, which can give some dropped frames. Modern screens can have high refreshrates like 144 Hz, which means some frames get repeated 2 times and some 3 times, giving stuttering movement.


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Thu Jun 06, 2019 7:54 pm

hello thanks for your answer.
i was not intending to fix the question of the scrolling text, it is exactly what is needed.
I knew about repaers options, this doesn' change the problem, and the installed version of vlc neither.
but something happened today : I installed your latest and biggest pack this morning. bad result ; in sony vegas, i could'nt play anymore the avi files that vegas could open before. but the mp4 files, ( converted from these specific avis) could be played very well, with a much nicer picture than before. but I need to work with the avis. so I had to restore the computer to the state it had yesterday for it to work. but the mp4, one open in sony vegas after that, gave a bad picture as yesterday.. and I didn't change anything on my screen refresh rate. so, it show that the pack changes things that sony vegas uses. but what ? Ity would be good, at least, if I could have the best picture I had on the mp4 after the latest codec pack, b but if I could still open the avis..... is it possible ? Thanks Luc


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Thu Jun 06, 2019 8:48 pm

I tested the 60 hz option, but it doesn't work


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by Admin Fri Jun 07, 2019 1:14 pm

Which version of Vegas are you using?

In case of AVI files it can use the VFW codecs from the pack. For the sample file you gave (H.264) it will use ffdshow VFW interface for decoding the video.

But in case of the MP4 files it should not use anything from the codec pack. At least not with Vegas 12 or newer. For the simple reason that it doesn't use DirectShow (anymore). It uses some internal codecs and also QuickTime. For best compatibility use 32-bit Vegas with Quicktime version 7.6. Quicktime 7.7 may give issues on Win8/10.

I have never used Reaper myself. Maybe try with DirectShow set to highest priority. When it uses the LAV decoders from the pack you should see their icons appear in the system tray.


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:47 pm

I am using sony vegas 12, much better than the newer. I cannot use a 32 bit version, I guess, my computer is 64. quicktime : I cannot change my version of Qt beacuse I am using another program to build and write the rythmo tape (scrolling text) and it will not work is another version install.
If i try all the possibilities in reaper video settings, it doesn't change a thing... or stops reading files if I remeber well ( I va been trying that a few weeks ago, and i tried many things. )
sorry for not being easy... In fact, if I am asking you, it is because I have tried everything I could find and also on the net... and no solution. regards


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by Admin Sat Jun 08, 2019 7:34 pm

A 64-bit version of Windows can also run 32-bit software.

So you haven't been able to make Reaper use DirectShow? Making the LAV icons appear. How do I load a video in it? I never used it before.


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Sat Jun 08, 2019 7:46 pm

well, I told reaper to use it but there was no change. you just have to drag and drop the video file into the gery upper part. thanks !


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by Admin Sat Jun 08, 2019 8:19 pm

It uses DirectShow here for your AVI test file. I see the read icon for LAV Video decoder. In fact, I get several icons, meaning it has multiple instances.

With the Codec Tweak Tool it is possible to change the preferred splitter for AVI and the decoder for MP3. Then it will also use LAV Splitter and LAV Audio decoder instead of the default ones from Microsoft.

Reaper 5.978 x64. VLC not installed.

If I set the video decoder priority option to just "ffmpeg", then it fails to import the file. So it seems that their ffmpeg plugin isn't working properly.


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Sat Jun 08, 2019 9:09 pm

I am not sure to understand your sentence (sorry I am french and even if i speak rather good english, i can be lost sometimes=
"With the Codec Tweak Tool it is possible to change the preferred splitter for AVI and the decoder for MP3. Then it will also use LAV Splitter and LAV Audio decoder instead of the default ones from Microsoft."
I don't know how to do the change and i don'"t see what is the use. it reaper uses lav will it read the video fil flawlessly and open it ?
and sorry if i am not answering fast, I receive no notice of your answering I just have to go on ths is page to know.


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Sat Jun 08, 2019 9:11 pm

yap, for the ffmpeg that is something I noticed and I told them. repaer builders are semingly very good. but I think they don't get the meaning of my question. esapecially when they advise me to remove the rythmo tape, which is THE interest in this kind of movie for my pupils and I ....


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Sat Jun 08, 2019 9:15 pm

that is how the french dub movies. And the french don't like subtitled movies. dubbing is an important industry in france. I agree that is not the best way to paly a role, to read it. but that is what is done in the big studios here, and tyhat is waht frigntens my pupils. I have to prepare them to work with it. Thank you for your help and answers that are very much apreciated. We are only two persons in europe giving dubbing lessons at home, at distance. then we have to face that kind of technical issue, and very few people have answers.


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by Admin Sat Jun 08, 2019 11:34 pm

Video playback already works for me in Reaper with default settings of the codec pack. The suggested adjustments with the Codec Tweak Tool might help on systems where playback does not yet work correctly.

Codec Tweak Tool > Preferred Splitters > AVI > Select LAV
Codec Tweak Tool > Preferred decoders > MP3 > Select LAV

Another suggestion I have is to disable hardware decoding in the settings of LAV Video Decoder. Hardware accelerated decoding might not work well with several simultaneous instances on some systems.

You should tell them about having problems importing videos in general. Not just videos with rythmo tape.


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:46 am

thank you again
I did what you said but as I also can open the file, I have to ask my pupils to do that for a try.
something I' d like to know tto : as I toldf you, when I installed your mega pack, the picture in vegas was far better than before on mp4, but I couldn't open avis with rythmo in vegas anymore and had to restore windows to be able to. so, it means that sony is using an external codec, I suppose. would it be possible to knwo which, and how to install it to gain the benefit for the mp4, qithout removing the ability to play avis ? that is very complex to me...


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:50 am

also, about the codec tweak tool, I could'nt find mp3 in the list. did you mean mp4 ?


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by Admin Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:31 pm

Vegas itself may be reducing quality. See here:

I don't see how the codec pack could affect MP4 playback in Vegas if it doesn't use DirectShow. There may have also been other changes to your system, like Windows or graphics driver updates.

Preferred splitters (for file formats) and preferred decoders (for audio/video formats) are two different buttons in the Codec Tweak Tool. MP3 is located near the bottom of the list on preferred decoders page.

The students that have problems should try with the GraphStudioNext tool from the codec pack. Simply drag&drop a file onto this program and it will show you which DirectShow codecs are used to play the file.


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:36 pm

I tried the trick given in the link,  but it doesn"t change...

no other changes in my syteme. just install of the big pack, test of vegas, couldn't open avi, mp4 nice,  restored the sytem back, could open avi,  but mp4 blurred. the whole without any other modification.
I will see for the mp3, but non of my pupils have a problem with the sound. the file is opened with the sound but not the video when they have the issue.
thanks also for the graphystudionext tip. I will see that


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by Admin Mon Jun 10, 2019 2:12 pm

Make a log of installed codecs in both situations.

Codec Tweak Tool > Generate Log
(uncheck the options to hide things)

CTT is available as standalone tool here:


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:31 am

ok. I've done it. Am I to send it to you ?. if yes, I c'(ant find a way to do it, no button for a file to join...


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by Admin Tue Jun 11, 2019 2:44 pm

You can use or just copy/paste the text here.


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:57 pm

it is too long for here
It is on pastbin, my nam : wppk. hop it is enough


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by Admin Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:24 pm

Is the log from the situation where MP4 is good and AVI is not working? Or the opposite situation?


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Wed Jun 12, 2019 3:03 pm

the log is form my computer that con open both, but reading is not flawless. on both. the issue is on the computer of som of my pupils, for the opening.


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by Admin Wed Jun 12, 2019 4:14 pm

The students should do the GraphStudioNext test.


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issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW Empty Re: issues when opening/reading a video file in reaper and some DAW

Post by parodydub Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:44 pm

yap. I will tell them. thanks.


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