.tp video cannot play

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.tp video cannot play Empty .tp video cannot play

Post by drkhorshidi61 Sat May 18, 2019 7:33 am

Hi everyone. I have recently recorded a movie by satellite receiver in .tp format, but the codec software cannot play it in windows 8. What should I do?


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.tp video cannot play Empty Re: .tp video cannot play

Post by Admin Sun May 19, 2019 3:37 pm

The video might be encrypted. That is usually the case if your receiver uses a smartcard.

Google for "satellite receiver decrypt recorded video" to find ways to decrypt the video.


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.tp video cannot play Empty Re: .tp video cannot play

Post by notcyf Tue May 21, 2019 12:18 pm

You're probably using a decoder from the satellite tv company to decrypt the videos and then send it to the TV.

I don't know how you record the videos but the only way to record videos without it being encrypted is to take the video from the HDMI output. You will need an HDMI splitter that strips the HDCP and then send it to the recorder completely raw.

If you use the decoder itself to record it, they most likely encrypt the files using something built-in to prevent it from playing outside of the decoder. This means that you will have to play it through the decoder. The decryption key is probably stored somewhere in the decoder firmware but that's gonna be really hard to figure out. External recorder is the way to go if you want to play videos outside of the decoder.


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.tp video cannot play Empty Re: .tp video cannot play

Post by Admin Tue May 21, 2019 12:55 pm

No, there are sometimes ways to extract the encryption key from the recording device.


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.tp video cannot play Empty Re: .tp video cannot play

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